Vigilant - 9/9M 7/8M - Recruiting DPS!

Sargeras-Alliance Guild.

Apply at www.vigilantsargeras .com and/or add an officer for info!

About Us
Having been formed in October 2016, we’ve been pushing to clear content ever since. It may not have always worked out, but we’re a Guild that never stops trying, no matter the odds. We’ve been through our fair share of rough patches, but our ingenuity always finds a way to get past them and come out stronger than before. Until Antorus, we’ve considered ourselves semi-hardcore with a slight lean on a more casual environment. However, once we got past Imonar in Antorus, we decided we wanted to push for Cutting-Edge each tier and began working towards that goal. Unfortunately, we were a week late to get Argus down in time, but we’re determined to finish Uldir and all future tiers on time! In Vigilant, you can expect a fun and friendly environment inside and outside of raids yet find a very demanding and reasonable environment. We expect our raiders to own their mistakes and improve themselves, but also want to see them reach out for assistance where needed. We’re big on improving from within instead of replacing people. For more information and a general idea of what we’re all about, read our R.E.P page on our website (link below).

Tank: None
Healers: None
MDPS: None
RDPS: Warlock / Fire Mage

Don’t see your specialization? App! We’ll consider any strong candidate.

Monday: Off
Tuesday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM CST (Weekday Team)
Wednesday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM CST (Weekday Team)
Thursday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM CST (Weekday Team)
Friday: Off
Saturday: 8:00PM - 11:00PM CST (Weekend Team)
Sunday: 8:00PM - 11:00PM CST (Weekend Team)

-Jäger#11356 (Guild Master & Raid Leader)
-Bambooz1er#1449 (Ranged Officer)
-Darkact#11364 (Melee Officer)
-Onyxia#1868 (Healing Officer)

Apply at www.vigilantsargeras .com and/or add an officer for info!

1 Like

I’m just here so I won’t get fined.

This new forum is fancy AF. It’s about time Blizzard brought us into the 2010s.

Get back up there!

WTB Rogues for Zul and DKS for grips. Paying in loot and fun.

If a bump falls in a thread but no one is around to see it, does it still elevate the thread?

I’m still here only so I won’t get fined.

I won’t fine you, but I’m still whooping you! :open_mouth:

I can’t believe Staff hasn’t bumped this for 5 days. How irresponsible.

D: I’m sorry!

Reaching out to you through battlenet

Don’t you guys have phones?

Have a what?

Still looking for people

I defy you, 10 character limit!

Also, where are all y’all peeps at?

beep boop gonna doop

Woohoo, 7/8M! As this tier comes to a close, let’s start the next one with a BANG!

forced to do this

I, too, have been forced.

Get back up there!

Things go here for the bump.

7/9H! Woot, great work guys!