Viewing People's Armory Profiles from the new Forums

So, I’m trying to figure something out…

In the old forums, it was easy to go to someone’s profile and take a quick look over their information. It could be a good thing when say someone was asking for help with things to take a look at their talents and gear, to make recommendations for them. Or to participate in the “rate the transmog above you” threads… etc.

Prior, you just right clicked on their character icon, and it’d take you to the stats page.

I’m having trouble trying to figure out how to get to it now.

I’ve noticed that if I go to the poster profile now it’ll link me to stuff on the things they’ve been posting on the forums. And that’s cool, its’ neat added functionality.

But I notice that only some people have a button in the top right corner of that page with a little people symbol and “view profile” that will take me to their armory page.

Am I missing something? Why do some people have the “view profile” button and others don’t.

What is the best new method for viewing someone’s armory page?

Any help is greatly appreciated.



yeah this is really annoying. i think you have to click their forum profile and then look for a link to their other character profile or something?

i don’t know why they didn’t just merge the two together.

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Click on the players name, this should pop up a small window with two options, one of them being view profile. This will take you directly to their armory page.


I’m guessing if someone has their profile hidden, the View Profile option will not appear. Test it with me. I know I set mine to be hidden (though only the Void knows if it actually saved the setting or not).

But just remember, for each person that would use it for the benefit of others, there are about a hundred who would use it dismiss what the poster is saying (Profile Stalking).

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Just to confirm the option does not appear for you as you do have set to hidden.

Yeah, I don’t see a button come up to view your profile. I see it for Dzdz and Marakurta.

I don’t see it for my own, but I didn’t think I set anything to private or hidden. Where is the option for that, if I have it on I want to turn it off.

And for some reason i’m invisible :frowning:

Click on the your icon in the top right corner to and then click the settings wheel icon. Under preferences interface is the option to hide profile.

Also, when I click on your profile it takes me to a page that says:

“This user’s public profile is hidden.”

However, if I take the URL for people’s armories, and manually type in your name and realm, I still get to your armory page.

There just isn’t any direct way to get to it from the forum itself that I can see.

I do not think it works successfully on all platforms. I seem to not be able to find it sometimes.

Also, great hat!

Hmm. I do not have “Hide my public profile and presence features” enabled.

If you click on me, do you see a “View Profile” button? I wonder if you just can’t see your own for some reason?

You can definitely see your own, as I’m able to see mine. But I cannot see a view profile option for you Lorsaire.

Asking how to but yet has it turned off yourself. :roll_eyes:

Yes, it has your profile hidden.
Nice job!

Could you (or some kind reader) please test it on me.
I have set my profile to hidden as well. I’d like to confirm it is blocked.

Cool. So maybe that’s how it’s supposed to work for others.
As for not seeing it yourself… that sounds like a bug. I can see it for my own character, which I think is supposed to be always available. Sounds like they’re still having issues with linking forums to profiles of characters, though. One of the reasons they designed this new mess was to fix that issue. I find it incredibly amusing that it seems to have not fixed it.

Shows as “This user’s public profile is hidden.” when I click on your pic.

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I don’t have the option turned on to hide my profile that I can see. When I go to my preferences, that option does not have a check in the box next to it. So that’s why I’m a bit confused.

Think something is broken with the armory links for some people, but then others have their profiles hidden.

Most consistent way is to probably keep a WoW home page open so you can search someone if you want to look for now. Hopefully they fix whatever it is though. And for people that set their profiles to private I guess you’ll just have to search manually.

That really made my day!
You get a heart! (Like.)

When I click on my own name I can still see it, so I was not sure if it was blocked for others.

Hurray, now my armory is private.
It’s a good first step. We need an option to make the armory itself private!

Confirming yours is hidden Rastlin.

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