Viewing People's Armory Profiles from the new Forums

Thank You!

This is what I get for you Rastlin:

" Rastlin

This user’s public profile is hidden."

Very Nice.
I think I will eat a tub of ice cream to celebrate!

Thanks for checking.

Agreed! I don’t mind people seeing what I’ve posted, but I don’t want people dismissing my posts just because “dur u hasnt not runneded dis rade 500 bajillion timeses!” I set my FB profile to private a couple years ago because of this BS, too (and now I’m not even on FB anymore because it’s more toxic than League of Legends forums).

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I hope it’s just broken, I don’t want my settings on private and I’d like to be able to have people easily be able to go to and see my armory page by “view profile” while we’re having conversations.

I agree.

I hope Blizzard is starting to come around to the need for more in game privacy.

A lot of customers don’t want any random person to look over their gear, progression, achievements, etc. as they use that information for bullying.

Allowing a private setting is the perfect answer.

That could explain why you have a generic WoW icon

Agreed! I don’t mind people seeing what I’ve posted, but I don’t want people dismissing my posts just because “dur u hasnt not runneded dis rade 500 bajillion timeses!” I set my FB profile to private a couple years ago because of this BS, too (and now I’m not even on FB anymore because it’s more toxic than League of Legends forums).

Do be aware, it looks like people can still see your armory page, that isn’t hidden and it still includes data on the raid progress you have etc, just like the old page. It’s just harder to get to.

The privacy setting only looks like it applies to your forum post activity.

No, you just can’t click it directly from the forums. Your armory is still public, as seen here:

Well, it is a start.

If Blizzard is letting us set it to private here, it is just a matter of time until they allow it in the armory itself.

And they should-as your post demonstrates.

testing this out now

Lol, “5 years later” :joy:

This is the worst necro I have ever seen on these forums

Usually a result of googling.

Can’t go back much further than this.

I like how he’s “testing” his hidden Armory on a Wrath character.