[Video] Basic Deephaul Ravine Overview

This is a short and basic “get to know your surroundings” overview for Deephaul Ravine. People are often picking up the crystal and not knowing where to go with it. :slight_smile:

It covers locations for the crystal, carts, buffs and fast transit system. It doesn’t go over scoring, etc.


I made an unofficial feedback thread as well since the official one was taken down. For those of you that got it testing Blitz leave some feedback! Deephaul Ravine | Thoughts so far? | Unofficial Feedback Thread

It’s the deep wind gorge brawl reskinned. Sums it up

The crystal running part is similar, I suppose, but not the carts.

In the brawl i remember there was a cart of sorts that spawned in mid and you had to take it back to your spawn.

It slowed your movement speed a lot.

In the super old school DWG (which was a regular BG before it was removed), the cart spawned in the enemy base and you had to run it all the way across to your base. But it wasn’t an SSM style cart, you just dragged it behind you.

Current brawl DWG has the orb in the middle and the sides that you dunk in enemy base.

You are kind of melding the two together. :slight_smile:

Thank you! BTW, I subscribed to your channel.

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Thanks Oozo for sharing the guide! It’s great and I shared it with everyone in BSG discord. I felt targeted in that bg – like a friendly challenge! :wink: GG :video_game::+1:


Here, have a like and subscribe on me good sir

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Cool, thanks. :slight_smile:

Bump. Thank you, will check this out later!