Deephaul Ravine | Thoughts so far? | Unofficial Feedback Thread

It was unfortunate the queue for Deephaul Ravine didn’t work during the play with the blues event yesterday, but you can/could still get it queuing Battleground Blitz. For those of you that have gotten it, what are you thoughts so far?

My initial thoughts:

  • I need more time to explore since so far I have only experienced it in the Blitz setting, so I want to see it in the normal random bg setting.
  • The mine carts up top that zoom players across the map are a good twist to the BG, allowing you to quickly change sides of the map while also possibly sneaking up on the enemy team. Lots of potential for plays there.
  • The Crystal in the middle had me worried the middle would just turn into a giant death ball. So far, while a lot of fighting does happen there, people are still doing the carts while also fighting for the crystal which is perfect.
  • I was told (someone I didn’t check myself yet) the crystal when it spawns in the middle has the same graphic as the spots you turn it in on the map which could be confusing. Maybe a graphic change for the turn in spots?
  • The layout of the BG is unique and separates itself from other BG.

Still some more things to figure out for me, where all the buffs are etc. Our BG friend Oozo did an overview of the BG so check that out. Oozo shows where some of this stuff is so now I know, just want to play it out myself at this point.


I think it is ironic that it is easier for horde to cap the alliance cart and alliance to cap the horde cart. Your team’s cart travels towards the enemy GY, so you have to kill the enemy team several times in order to secure the cart if there is a big team fight over it.

Counter-intuitive, but changing things up is good. It’s going to best (easier) to secure the cart that caps near your base, not the cart that spawns near your base.

I think getting and capping the crystal is going to be pretty difficult unless your team is already dominating. Interesting map, I think the best way to win is going to be to secure the enemy cart (that caps on your side) while trying to get the crystal (the turn in will be on the same side that the enemy cart caps). Going after the other cart will split the team too much.

I actually like this a lot. Didn’t even think of this. Anything that may encourage fighting is good imo.

I wanted to add there is a quest the BG gives you when you first enter it, but you can’t do it because you can’t go to the new expansion zones yet on the end game server. Interested to see if this is just a turn in and done or if it has more to it like a questline.

Hard to test the battleground when people ignored the objectives and just fought in the middle because they’re testing their class/talents/hero stuff…

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I grabbed the crystal twice and had to run alone because middle fights…
But the problem for me was that I didn’t know where to take the crystal xD it said “take it to your base” or something like that and when I ran back to the horde base I did’nt see anything there.
I know it was a huge skill issue, but me being alone as a lock with 2 melees behind me is always stressful. Not sure If I missed it but maybe a marker in the map would be helpful.

I imagine it will end up like any of the smaller randoms we have now, where some people will be interested in objectives and others just want to mid pump.

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Hey, check out my video for the basic locations for Deephaul Ravine.

I haven’t been able to get it to pop, but aren’t Marksmen able to camp up top on the cart tracks and still be in range of enemy players?

I made a MM just to test this, but never got a pop.

Not sure, but even if they can their impact would be low. There is LOS under the tracks and things move away from the middle when the carts pass through or crystal is being run to base, so they would have to jump down after not too long.

Also, their burst damage isn’t nearly as threatening as it is in DF (for now, anyway). So, they won’t be killing anyone in the short frame of time where people would be in range.

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I know how you feel. I try on weekends, sit in an hour queue and give up.

I have sat a couple 2 to 3 hour queues. Of course I was doing other things while waiting. I got lucky one weekend and people were randomly queuing Blitz on a Saturday, got 8 to 10 games in. Blitz queues where goes for almost and hour + after the Dev event ended.

One thing is the queue for the new BG or queuing for random BG to get it because it’s the only one active on the random queue on beta, didn’t work during the play with the blues event. So there is a possibility it never worked. People have tried organizing and couldn’t get queues to pop. So we have no idea if people were trying to queue. Not sure if it even works yet now.

I usually work Sats but took yesterday off and played beta. I would have thought a Sat afternoon would be perfect for something like this, but no dice.:confused:

I’m just going to wait until/if I can copy my main to the max level realm.

Pretty sure MM can hit cart caps while remaining on the track. But that’s just me eye-balling it, as I can’t get in myself

And while health seems to greatly outpace dmg on beta, a single rapid fire still hits for like 1.5mil

And with consumables that’d be more. And with Trick Shots it’s AOE.

A MM hunter does around two million damage to me on the opener towards the beginning of this video (timestamped). I just heal it off with a 2.2 million heal exhilarate.

Many of the heals seem tuned for the larger health pools while quite a bit of the damage isn’t. This can all change though (ofc).

Speaking of which… we (the people interested in testing BGs) should form an in game community called something like BG Testers so we can see how many people are on at any time that are interested in testing BGs and use it to coordinate queues.


I would of course be interested, and interested in how many people are interested in doing this as well.

Keep in mind, PvP balancing hasn’t happened yet. I am not putting much stock in the damage/healing I see until they start balance things.