Victory for Greymane!

That is 100% your head cannon and not at all what the game portrays.

Now you are perfectly welcome to create any RP background you want for your character, but please try to remember your RP isn’t in game cannon.


ooooh that had to hurt

lol! i read this is spongebobs voice right off

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Really poorly missed opportunity for scarlet crusade cosmetics.

The tabard
Scouting rifle.

All right there, ripe for the picking.

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Yeah the Fox mount is definitely uniquely designed for the noble tmog. I wouldnt call it ugly though, it just doesnt go with everything imo. I love all the mog gear tbh and Ive seen some pretty player and pimpin tmogs coming out of the release of it, also picked up Lord Godfrey spectacles fishing in Gilneas too :wink: :grin: :+1:t5: :heart:

That’s why I said “We were cast out of Gilneas”. But there’s much more to the Worgen story than that. Here’s a summary for you:

The transmog would look far more appropriate when riding in a carriage than on a fox.

Thankfully he’s quick with soul stoning himself so he just popped back up after dying lol

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It’s a Nightborne mount from Suramar. 1:1 copy, no changes. They could have given the Alliance at least the PVP Gilneas Horse mount without the flag. Or a Gilnean Flag.


I don’t really understand the logic of this statement tbh. If you are known for fox hunts how does that correlate to you also using giant foxes as mounts. Nothing like this is anywhere in gilnean lore or references


I just remember fox hunts being a thing because its also a thing in the UK ( Altho thankfully I heard its in decline )

If a fox can survive to get that hecking big then of course the gilneans would be proud to show it off

Actually if you are a worgen dk you are actually a shadowfang worgen so there are canonical examples to the contrary. You could also canonically make lore accurate claims to be more affiliated with crowley or Ivar then Gilneas itself those these are more of a stretch.

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I can kind of see the relation but I feel in that scenario they would just want to kill and stuff it as a trophy even more. Bigger prize and all that. If I’m hunting something I wont magically decide “hey you know what? This is a big sample of the species I’m hunting. I think I’ll use it for travel instead”


:man_shrugging:t5: Your being intellectually disingenuous, its a recolor, have a good day :upside_down_face: :v:t5:

It’s a mount seen in 2016, which Nightborne rides. There is nothing else to say.

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Yeah, you’re right we should have added a third Tauren.

I know everyone has been eagerly waiting for more tauren options like the taunka or the yaungol. So in In this expansion, we will be introducing the new allied race, the grim totem tribe taurens! Look how many customizations they have!

Talk about lazy I finally got to see the horde pov of the quest. They change nothing other than the ending. Horde do the same quest till the end where they don’t get to see Genn visit his sons grave.

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You mean the fox mount you get after saving it from nightborne hunters…?

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Does anything important happen? I mean regarding Gilneas or Tess, not him visiting his sons grave.

This means he will be MORE active in the story. We will probably need to go to Gilneas to see Tess as she does day to day paperwork and stuff. Meanwhile Genn will be helping the Alliance which is what he wants to do.

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