Vicious Bloodstones BAYBEE

How much have you made from sitting on honor/bloodstones from s1?

1.3M and counting BAYBEE :hot_face::hot_face:

Selling the recipes brings in more income for your honor.

Also takes a billion times longer and ain’t nobody got time fo dat


I just post it once a day and I sometimes log in to 40-90k in my mail.

Okay I sold a spectral tiger cub for 800k one time before too doesn’t mean it’s efficient :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


It depends if you want 3k for your 2500 honor or 50k for your 7500 honor. If you value your time you’ll buy a recipe that gives you more gold. The bloodstone recipes specifically sell for so much, but it might be different depending which server you’re on.

ya okay keep telling yourself that while you try and move recipes that sell as slow as green Transmog :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I’ll enjoy my 140 bloodstones I’ve sold already today



based biebz

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

This week on the wow arenas forums: the gang learns why liquidity is important during times of high market volatility


0.o sell the recipes! I did not even think of that. Doh!

Idc about gold if I need any I take out a loan from the arena cabal


Tbh I don’t think you’re cool enough or good enough to be in the cabal. Most of them are r1.

I’m a r1 shuffler does that count


Not sure I’m not in the cabal. You’d have to ask them.

But you said I can’t ask them cuz I’m not cool enough


They’ll contact you if lines of communication are going to be opened.

140?! How do you have more bloodstones than me?!?! Do you actually pvp?!?!

Really doesn’t matter… What are you gonna do with that gold?

Pay your sub fee to play a dieing game?

Wait 35 minutes to play literally any pvp game mode?

Stop parroting Omnifraud like he’s your dad, those recipes rarely sell and you have to be on certain servers. Stones always sell, always. Hence why he just made that in a week and your buddy didnt make that all last season.

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It’s not like I’m making 7500 honor a day and it usually takes a couple days to sell the recipe. Sometimes I sell 2 a day.

Then go buy stones. Why would I care?