Vicious Bloodstones BAYBEE

You’re probably make honor cap every day - stop the cap. That’s a double ent, if you didn’t catch it.

And… the story changes.

You care. You care as much as Amatox or Fox, and they have literally made this their entire life / persona.

If you want to be accurate, maybe rephrase that to
“I’m not interested in your gold make strats, this one works for me”

Enjoy your q’s, fella

I was honor capped on like 20 of my 80s going into the season :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Plus had a pretty large stockpile waiting to sell.

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Looks at the warrior.


Looks at my Mechagnomee Holy Priest 5 min epic Bg q…


Remembers my 2 min Horde epic BG q’s all day yesterday…

I’m not certain that 35 min q waits are correct for every pvp game mode.

Q pops…

That’s an almost identical number to what I’ve banked since I started unloading Saturday morning. Still sitting on 100 more, dump time tbd. Won’t work out to be exactly a double-your-money speculation, but dang close so I’m coo wit it.

Stop trying to argue with everyone all the time you’re going to have a stroke.

Yeah, same. I didn’t think we’d hit S1 levels in pricing but it would have been nice if they went a little higher (6-7k). Too many people also hoarding the low hanging fruit I guess.

Holding them seemed too risky since gearing isn’t this big confusing mystery after doing it once already.

Now speaking of holding unnecessarily. All those Superb Beast Fangs just rotting away in my bank rn :melting_face::melting_face::melting_face:



Just because I called you out does not mean I care or make this game my entire life bro stop the swole antics :rofl:

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I would die without Biebz posting.

If they’re rotting are they still superb?

Only thing dying is your spelling.

Superbly useless :pensive:

I buy these. I could never bring myself to use honor on these. I run 13 characters is why and I need the 5000 honor and 3 Bloodstones for each PVP Gem slot. Thanks for your supply.

I dont have such weaknesses

I bought 200 before season started and sold when it was a minor profit. The initial plunge made me nervous. Lol


The hot fix to stop people from keeping their gems after recrafts was really a blessing for gem hoarders

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I have about 1,000 of them. :thinking:

Prices still seem to be going up. :moneybag: