Is it a Viable build for a paladin to spec Half into ret and half into holy to play a dps/off healer? I’m really feeling it.
Anything is viable. That’s not a meme either. Just won’t be optimal. Ret get a benefit on spell power for the boost to seal of command, so the overlap in stats isn’t the end of the world. Do some thinkin and play it how you think it should be played. Pick up the talents you think you need etc… Enjoy the creativity and don’t crutch on others for support on this one
Your journey 1-60 can be anything you want, have fun, experiment.
It’s more a raid thing that you need to optimize.
Wasted talents in a raid means your spot might as well be taken by someone more reliable.
You can do whatever you want.
I would suggest you stop asking other people what you can do.
/agree … but… Raid isn’t something that needs to be optimized. Burning it all in greens with sub level 60’s. Burning it with 20 man crews. It’s not necessary to tipy top your toon for performance in a raid, the contents pretty jokey.
I really don’t understand the thought process behind these threads. Why would you purposely make yourself worse at every aspect of the game? If you want to play paladin be the best you can be and go holy. If you want to be a plate dps roll a warrior.
No offense but this is just people wanting to lord their own exclusivity demands over others.
20 people just killed Onyxia.
Level 55s kill Rag and Onyxia.
Do whatever you want people. Don’t get sucked in to the “this isn’t viable” nonsense.
While true, when a raid group has a choice between a decked out speced holy pally, or a green wearing holy/ret pally, who will they pick first
There will always be PuGs and alt runs, but for the majority of guilds, people won’t just breeze through raid content, and will try and give themselves any advantage they can
Yes, it is viable.
Your itemization doesn’t impact your talent choices, and this is assuming that people are going to be doing gear checks like the did in vanilla when everyone was too inexperienced with the game to understand the mechanics. I can promise you that when my guild eventually pugs we’re not screening like we do for Mythic BFA pugs, and we’re not the only ones.
That sounds like the Icy Veins build I’m working with. Goes down into consecration, just a bit below it
Leveling as holy is awful, it’s only 60 where you go Holy.
Technically there isn’t any way to see someone’s spec by inspection, right? You can infer some things after playing with them a little while, but in general for an invite, you can’t know if they have some crazy spec.
Just saying the OP can join raids and simply say “Holy Pally” rather than “Hey I’m a Ret Holy hybrid!” and will probably do fine healing.
Because 1) not everyone wants to raid. and 2) Not everyone wants to play the same way.
Paladins bring a lot to the table, they can handle everything until they get to raiding. Just because Blizz didn’t give them the stats. You prob won’t find good plate gear, but then you optimize yourself with mail pieces as well.
They are good for dungeons, you don’t need zomg wtf dps like a mage every damned time, people didn’t do that back in the day, they are just remembering how ret was back in the day and putting those barriers on people. Not everyone wants to heal. Not everyone wants to raid. But it does make a good farming toon, and the buffs are really nice to have.
Or do you not realize what some will do to take 40 warm bodies to a raid? lol.
Who cares about leveling specs that’s not what people mean when they say “is this viable”
Whatever way you want to play the game if you dps warrior is supremely better.
Well yea but if everyone followed that mentality you wouldn’t have any of the other classes. As it stands, people are already only taking mages and warriors for dungeons. And I don’t mean for tanking, they already have the warrior tank and the holy priest, and then they only want mages and warriors. But its okay, most of us leveled questing and grinding back in the day we can do it again.
This… very much this. In Classic, you have a lot of flexibility in how you play, which is in large part the beauty of it. Sure, if you want to do end game progression raiding you might have to fall more into the min/max crowd, but everything up to and including casual raiding can really be what you make of it.
If it works, you can do it
(The only thing to be cognizant of is that loot etiquette is still in play. Just because you want to play a dps/off healer spec doesn’t mean it’s fair to need both DPS and healer gear in the same run. Pick a primary role for a run and roll on loot for that :D)
Heal and Bless
We would have all the classes. You should do what your class is good at or roll a class that is good at what you want to do.