I disagree Golgamyth.
The problems stem from lack of a good education and no rules in society.
There are no consequences to actions that are taught to children, instead what they get is they can do whatever they want with impunity since discipline is not allowed to be enforced other than a few mild things which are pretty irrelevant.
Even more so on a virtual game where others don’t truly know you sure, but if they are nice in real life, they will tend to be nice on the game as well. Honestly knowing someones personal information is extremely dangerous, and would only be beneficial to a potential predator.
If people are nice, they will tend to be nice on the game. If they aren’t they arn’t. But I feel it needs to be addressed by parents (which these days don’t seem to be all that involved in their kids…) And by schools, that need to teach proper society and behavior as well as actually teaching kids how to read, write, history and math.
Where I am, kids are graduating from HS with honors yet can’t spell or read very well, and can’t even do basic math. But since they sat in the chair with good attendance, they graduated with honors.
They can’t even get a job at a fast food place because they can’t read and fill out the application form.
Just having real ID on this game would still not accomplish much as someone is either nice or they aren’t. All I fear it would do is ostracize some and end up with way more bulling and harassment than now even.
“I hate PlayerX because they said something bad to me.”
Lots of players now shun PlayerX, which causes PlayerX to bad mouth PlayerZ… And it begins… A vicious circle of bullying behavior that ends up with lots of people being banned and a ton of extra work for Blizz…
Right now, just /ignore them and move on. If it’s really bad, report. Then it stops there.
Gets off Sunday Soap Box and heads onto the game.