Veteran Tank LF Raid Team for DF

I am looking for a new raid team for DF. I haven’t played a ton of retail the last two expansions (BFA and SL) because honestly, I wasn’t fond of either. Spent a lot of that time reliving the days of ole on the classics. However, I like what Blizz is doing with DF and bringing back real talent trees and adding depth to professions.

WoW and Me:
Been playing since the release of TBC at various levels ranging from very casual to world firsts and CE. I love to tank, it’s what I have done since I started playing back in 2007.

Sunday - Thursday 9:30 pm EST - 2 am EST (preferably 2 - 3 nights a week)

If interested, please add Spanks#1861 on BNET so we can chat.
