Our guild Vigilants of Tyr does structured RP events. They are every Tuesday and Thursday but we are on a break since TWW launch and events will resume September 3rd. We are also alt friendly and a lot of us run around on multiple characters.
You’re welcome to check us out, no pressure to even join honestly, if you just want to hang in discord and have people to talk to about the game. We are fairly active and chatty about all things WoW and RP and happy to have more folks to hang out with.
Feel free to message me below for Discord link and any of that stuff. Also guild pitch is we are a good guy organization doing good guy stuff but we do allow shady questionable individuals so don’t worry if you aren’t the most goodest paragon of goody goodness. We like having spicy guys keeping folks on their toes.
In game:
snowsteel (Rufaic)
skeleton6669 (Incomplete/Juspion)