Veteran RPer coming back for TWW

Hello again WrA!

I have resubbed for the expansion and with the new expansion comes the hope to find a home for my toons. I have both Horde and Ally toons, but I mostly play Horde side. I do love the casual walkup RP that Org offers, but I would love some structured RP events to attend (esp for alliance side stuff). I’ve been RPing since Mists, where my friend and I use to run the Consulate waaaaaaay back in the day. While I do RP mostly just a few of my characters I would love a guild that is alt friendly as I have more than just toon I plan to level.

Also, does Duskwood RP still exist ally side? It did not look like when I was online the other night, but maybe I just missed everyone. Is there any casual walkup RP alliance side for WrA? I know at the start of DF it was scarce.


edit: I did not mean to post with my pally, but my main is Shaysha - a warlock

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Yes Duskwood RP does still exist! There are also several great Alliance guilds on WRA that im sure would be very interested in having you hang out with them! If you want a link to the Wyrmrest Community Project discord to chat with folk and get to chat with different WRA players, both alliance and horde here is the link! http s://

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Now do you mean you have accrued many years roleplaying or do you mean you are roleplaying a veteran?

Welcome back! There’s walk-up RP on WrA-A in Duskwood towards the evenings or anywhere else if you make a call for it. We don’t have the sustained population or interest that MG-A has with walk-up roleplay but we make up for it with a small neighborhood feel.

Best to you and see you around.

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I remember roleplaying with you briefly in dragonflight in Duskwood. Good to see you, Cheers!

I’ve been in Duskwood almost all night every night until 3am server time for the past week and a half and have seen 5 players total so idk

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I would venture a guess that everyone was in the pre-patch and gearing alts. I would expect them to return in about a week and a half or so. Keep an eye for Thomas posting that he’s in Duskwood and that’ll be a likely time.

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I’ll do that. Like I said, idk. I’m jus a girl tryna get some RP in! I don’t really expect much for the next few days/weeks either considering the expansion drop

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Our guild Vigilants of Tyr does structured RP events. They are every Tuesday and Thursday but we are on a break since TWW launch and events will resume September 3rd. We are also alt friendly and a lot of us run around on multiple characters.

You’re welcome to check us out, no pressure to even join honestly, if you just want to hang in discord and have people to talk to about the game. We are fairly active and chatty about all things WoW and RP and happy to have more folks to hang out with.

Feel free to message me below for Discord link and any of that stuff. Also guild pitch is we are a good guy organization doing good guy stuff but we do allow shady questionable individuals so don’t worry if you aren’t the most goodest paragon of goody goodness. We like having spicy guys keeping folks on their toes.

In game:



snowsteel (Rufaic)
skeleton6669 (Incomplete/Juspion)