With the new patch and pet system, Veteran Nanny seems to be bugged and unobtainable for players who had learned or now learn all the required pets on separate characters. I had Egbert and Willy previously on my main, Boraah-Benediction. With the new patch I now obtained Peanut from another character on my account. Now I’m unable to relearn Peanut from Elekk Training Collar on the character I want the achievement on, so now I think Veteran Nanny needs to be fixed or a GM needs to award it.
I also have semi-confirmation from another player Bladebeam-Gehennas that you indeed only get Veteran Nanny credit from learning and not completing the quest. He has one character with 2/3 progress and his 2nd character has the 3rd unlearned and it has 0/3 progress for Veteran Nanny.
This also has implications for Sinister Calling which is required for the violet meta drake and the “Can I keep Him?” achievement series for collecting companion pets. Any toon you didn’t learn the pet on is bricked for the achievement series.
Thank you very much for your time.
Just wanted to update everyone. Made an in-game ticket and I believe Blizzard is aware and working towards a solution.
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This issue seems to be affecting Sinister Squashling Hallow’s End pets for those attempting to get the achievement Sinister Calling.
7 days later no change, here’s hoping…
Not having this issue but want to bump because it’s clear that several people are/will have this issue down the road.
Experiencing the issue too. I put in a ticket this morning (10/18/23) and got the automated response of checking forums, wow-head, icy-veins. Going to change my ticket so that it reports it as a bug. But pretty much would need them to delete the pet from my account so i can re-learn it and see if the achievement comes in that way.
I am also experiencing this issue on my main character, and would really appreciate Blizzard taking the time to correct this before it effects even more players.
I have every achievement completed for “What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been” except for “Sinister Calling” on my main. I made the mistake of having learned the pet on an alt and now I cannot learn the pet on my main that has everything except for that ONE achievement.
Oof, here’s hoping blizz can fix because that’s such an unfortunate circumstance.
I’m literally in your exact same position, Blizzard please this can’t be intentional…
Same issue here, accidentally learned Sinister Squashling on my alt before I got it on my main, only to discover I cannot re-learn the pet and thus cannot get credit for Hallows End achievement.
Saw this comment on wowhead, dropping it here
I was so excited for the Hallow’s End event, but there seems to be a huge bug with the Pet journal, I recieved the Sinister squashling on an alt learned it and now I can not learn it on my main anymore to complete “Sinister Calling” , this is the last achievment I’m missing to complete every world event for the Violet Protodrake, I’m posting this comment in hopes to make Blizzard aware of this problem as I’m sure there is many players out there like me having the same issue… Thanks for your time.
I’m also having this issue. Taeglyn-Benediction
I’m gonna subscribe so hard if this gets fixed
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I’d rather have these fixed than resorting to contacting the correct GMs to award achievements via tickets. I hope this means ALL companion pets are treated equally like this.
I’m completely bricked if blizzard doesn’t fix the account-wide fix for these specific achievements. only missing learning the Sinister Squashling for my Hallowed Event completion. sent several tickets to get the problem fixed but only get ai botlike responses instead of fixing the problem