14 days without a blizzard response that it’s being worked on.
I submitted a ticket and the GM was able to manually mark the achievement as completed for me. Not a fix for everyone obviously and something they should fix at the developer-side so they are not swamped with tickets for this.
Sinister Calling is now fixed. The pet can now be learned if its not in your character’s personal pet journal (which yes, still exists internally.) Once added, it can’t be learned again. Veteran Nanny will likely still require adding all pets to be obtained on one character in their personal pet journal, so time to wait till May, whether or not you did the event on alts as well.
They made a really weird fix. It would be much better if these achievements would be granted if we have the pets on account-level and not character specific.
All the pet achievements are working as intended now. If you did the prior Children’s Weeks from 2022 and 2023 you will get it on that character in 2024 in the new system regardless if you learned it on a different toon or not.
Still waiting on a fix for Veteran Nanny.
I got all 3 pets, and still no credit for the achievement
Must be done all on one character. You have to wait till the next Children’s Week to get it.
Correct. I could be wrong but companion pets and achievements became account wide in MOP. It would be a some-changes fix to make learning on any toon grant the achievement aka making it account-wide.