Veteran Healer returning to Alliance LFG

Title says it all.

I am a veteran healer, I began playing in Vanilla AQ and have healed since day one of BC release. I have one of each healer on Alliance but I primarily play this priest and a Druid. My toons here on Alliance arent very impressive and that is something I am hoping to change.

I am looking for an older, established group to raid and do mythic+s with. Ideally one that has a very active discord & players on at most hours of the day.
Currently I am 7/12M on horde and I would like to raid Mythic here on Sargeras as well. I dont need to be super serious, but I have always raided hardcore and would like to at least find a casual Mythic raiding guild. Logs can be provided if you would like.

Drop your spam here and I will glady check you out. Im excited to find a good community to play with!

Raid times:
Wednesday & Thursday 830PM to 1130PM
Optional heroic runs for Tuesday or Friday possible.

Current progress: 7/12M -Ny’alotha

What we want:

We are mostly a M+ and raiding guild,
Our Goal is CE for each Patch.
We occasionally PVP (Arena)

Currently recruiting for Shadowlands Raiding:

DPS - Mage, warlock, DH, enhance shaman. (All welcomed to apply but we are looking to fill
these specific niches)

Healers and Tanks

Msg me Discord Frost#3808

Thank you Frost I will reach out later today, but I am still looking at options. Bump! :smiley: