Very Strange Pre-Patch bug

Congratulations on not knowing the difference between content and systems. Quick example: dual spec and tome of cold weather flight weren’t in at Wrath’s launch, but they’re in at Wrath Classic’s launch.

In other words your argument has been disproven hundreds of times the past three years in Classic, TBC Classic and Wrath Classic. It’s just another failed argument anti-lfd trolls continue to make.

yeah this not gonna be like og wotlk. og wotlk had 12 million players and it didnt have blizz 70 boosts

i think patch 3.3 addresses it.

So weird to me I never see anyone complain about LFD in game only on forums. It’s almost as if the forums aren’t a proper representation of the people actually playing the game….

Curious and curiouser


So a game with far less players should make it a more tedious process to form groups? :thinking:


well you seem like a deep thinker, so consider:

  1. blizz is boosting people to 70, including new arrivals, who wont be in 1-70 zones, player alts, who wont be in 1-70 zones, etc. so right off the bat, a huge slice of players that were, number-wise in original wotlk 1-60 zones are not gonna be there.

  2. dks take the tanks and melee dps for the most part. guilds will be forced to roll tanks even if the person rolling it hates tanking

  3. we will end up with bear tanks in boomy gear and they will be super rare too because actual bear tanks will be in northrend. everybody gonna be in northrend. 1-60 is gonna be baaad.

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Nice make believe doomsday situation you got going on there.

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Can you pick an alt to post on? This or Carl or one of the others you’ve been using to like your own posts.

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make believe? so you dont think the 70 boosts (man at least mage boosts didnt skip the entirety of 2 expacs) are gonna negatively effect 1-60? who make believin’ here

Its as its always been. We cried about it for tbc launch it didnt matter. Crying about it now is no difference. Just wasted energy.

Everyone is complaining in game in beta what do you mean???

Its become a literal meme at this point like a gigantic joke almost like blizz is just messing with the playerbase at the point for fun.

are you on the beta or are you talking about tbc in game?

its worse. back when the game had 12 million players, no nerfs to aoes or player boosting or level gaps, and no level 70 store boosts, people still had it ruff cause no RDF when wotlk launched, everyone capable of boosting was busy leveling their mains. now we have several million fewer players, a store boost, nerfed player boosts, nerfed level gap. its …gonna be bad

You should also report the fact that the in-game shop is missing the Race Changes service.

Thank you for spotting these terrible bugs and making the game better, OP.

And on top of that you have to consider how the playerbase has changed. Look at how toxic people are in TBCC. The massive amount of gatekeeping. Dungeon Finder is more needed now than it was in 2009.

And Blizz removes it…

So you are ignoring the real measurement rdf addresses, player density per server. And for the most part, what servers do exist will have a higher player density, which means rdf is less needed.

But please keep only using altered statistics that meet your agenda.

You might want to take a look at all the other 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 stuff being released at launch…else you may look disingenuous.


Oh don’t worry, the new LFG tool at scale is a disaster waiting to happen.

If it weren’t for modders (Bulletin Board) you’d be whining too.

so at this moment, like right now, on a high pop pve server, people are already struggling to form groups. groups you use to be able to make, are a nope because of changes to level gap. i had to leave a group because i was 1 level over the 5 level gap, meaning the lowest level player wouldnt get xp. 5 levels max difference means fewer actual non boosting groups can form. what kind of socialization is that?

Tbc in game obviously not a ptr rofl

Havent used BB addon yet in classic or tbcc so jo, i wouldnt be crying.

I built social connections to have easy grouping. Mind you it took 2 years of effort to have the connections i have now.