Very Strange Pre-Patch bug

So I was playing my Death Knight and there didn’t seem be LFD anywhere, just this terrible system called LFG where people just sat in their own lists to just talk in the LookingForGroup channel. Very strange, definitely hope this gets hotfixed soon :pray:t2: I reported it in game too so I hope I can actually use LFD soon and enjoy the Wrath of The Lich King experience I went through back in the day :+1:


That’s intended, and you absolutely did not have LFD on release.


So everything that wasn’t in 3.3.5 should not be there when released…??>…???

You know were getting patch 3.3.5 and all the changes there right?? or???


Oh, you’re right. The game should also release with ICC!! And Ruby Sanctum! That’d be soooo cool!


hue hue hue ur so funny


Well 10 people seemed to enjoy it

We also didn’t have duel spec on release but boom there it is


Ok they should give us ICC and everything else… quit cherry picking


Yes, you, quit cherry picking.

No one is asking for later raids on release, 75% of people are asking for some form of RDF system on release.

I think the phase is more important than the patch ; rdf was in towards the end of wrath, so blizz will probably put it in at a later phase [hopefully phase 2]

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Yes, it probably should. It doesn’t really make a difference in the long run.

I’m sorry, but I just ran the numbers again last night, and it turns out that 999% of people are actually asking for you to be banned and for RDF to never be added to the game. I’m sorry you had to hear it from me, but that’s what people said bro.

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Wait I want RDF. That must mean I don’t exist.

No, no. This is a good thing. I can do things and get away scot free. Yes.

Thank you kind stranger for helping me see things clearly.

People are saying bc we are getting patch 3.3.5 or whatever then rdf should be at launch.

Ok i want ICC heroics and i want ICC day 1 at launch with RS so i can start clearing ICC and farming trash 3 weeks in.

Bc we are launching with 3.3.5 i want these things.


Might as well launch LKClassic with ICC open – nobody actually wants 4 months of Naxx10/25.

I don’t really mind, but I’m sure the private server hoppers that’ve done Naxx 10/25 and then hopped to the next server to level and do Naxx 10/25 and then hopped to the next server to level and do Naxx 10/25 probably don’t want to do it anymore.

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Tools/features are different than content.

The Retailization of WOTLK has happened right before our eyes with the removal of RDF and replacing it with a ghetto version of Retail’s Mythic+ Finder System.

The same 2 bluenosers come to every thread defending Blizzard, 24/7 religiously white knighting for a company made up of abusers who violate women and reflect this in their programming decisions by not even bothering to ask the community’s consent before making such unexpected and pushy changes, exposing their two-faced workplace culture and unscrupulous work-ethic.

WOTLK is over before it even began. Blizzard will never change their ways, we’ve seen this “sorry we should have listened :wink: tee-hee!” after-the-fact when it’s too late over and over for decades now.

Even those who are fine with the abuse and decide to stay will run out of copium. A year from now no one will even be able to tell the difference between WOTLK and Retail.


It’s definitely an oversight, right guys?

It’s gotta be that Random Dungeon Finder will be in WOTLK on release.

Spread the word! Tell everyone! I can’t imagine this isn’t a mistake. HYPE for RDF, tell yo friends!

I can only repeat myself. Yes I keep picking on people who fight for something they dont even know of how to spell it.