Very good solo queue vid for arenas



Just find a random in LFG and queue. Basically the same thing.

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No its not

Yeah it is.

Going to promote my ideas a little here

Solo queue doesn’t stop you from playing with your friends, it lets you play when your friends aren’t on. You may just make a new friend you never would have met otherwise.

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I have some difficulty understanding how this system would be different than what we have now. I mainly do arenas through listing a group and inviting the first person to apply, would solo queue be different? If yes, how so?

Is this the same as 1v1 arena? Because, as an MM Hunter, I would totally support that, but I feel like a lot of specs wouldn’t enjoy 1v1 quite as much. :wink:

Try watching the video before you reply. And to the second question, No.

Its arena skirmishes with rating. And to your first question, yes, it’s the same as inviting people from LFG.

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Sorry, I don’t have 45 minutes but I’d still be interested to know what’s up. Can you add a TLDR?

I saw a subsection about how skirmishes aren’t the same thing and that was helpful. One guy said there was no progression in skirmishes and I think progression is the whole point, so I wouldn’t be opposed to this idea. But I need to know what it is first.

Similar to the current system but with rating brackets and perhaps templates. 1 healer, 2 dps for 3’s; 1 tank, 3 healers, 6 dps for bgs for instance. Different in the fact that you don’t get rejected because you can’t link some out of date achieve, item level or vers %.


This will also help those with classes / specs that aren’t considered ‘the best’.