We already have Solo Queue

Arena Skirmishes, Random BGs, and Random Dungeons, and everybody hates them and their partners.

How fun is it to play WoW side by side with your best friend IRL but not queue together because people want the competitive meta to be Solo Queue. “But you still have the OPTION to do rated team play…” yeah, like we “still have the option” to do 2’s, then every time we complain about something in 2’s the response we get from the “option” people is “LOL ITS 2S ITS NOT EVEN A REAL GAME MODE IF U WANT PVP PLAY 3S”. Then when people complain about 3s it’s “LOL RBGS ARE MORE BALANCED ANYWAY GEAR FROM THEM”. There is one prevailing mode, and the solo queue advocates would have it be solo queue.

Nearly everyone in this game hates random group play, and hates each other. And if you don’t, the guy you group with does and will intentionally spite you because he got cut off in traffic today.

Is the solution to boosting really to push a meta of solo queue that forces you to play with randoms instead of your friends? For the arrogant and dense who believe I’m actually asking them and that this question isn’t rhetorical: No, that’s not the answer.

“It’ll solve unbalanced comps!” Perhaps (I’d argue not, class imbalance and comp imbalance is best addressed at the source), and at the expense of that possibility it would weed “weak” classes out of the game. Queue in as a Survival Hunter or Outlaw Rogue? Your partner just swears at you and dances around in bear form all game. The new question will be “what can I play that plays best with everyone else”, and you’ll get more Warriors, Hpals, and Boomkins, and effectively eliminate niche specs from the game by removing their comps.

Dungeon Finder, Raid Finder, Random Battlegrounds, everyone hates solo queue. For those that think this isn’t true, I simply invite you to join one of these for 10 minutes and witness the Barrens-level epeen pride battle that is occurring in /i when it should be happening at Draenei Ruins using attacks.

Solo Queue exists already, and it is awful. If people think the current “leave after I lose a single match” in LFG is bad, wait till they have a(nother) taste of Solo Queue. Because let’s not forget, solo queue already exists, and everybody hates it. And imagine how much more they’d hate it if rating was tied to it.

Just because some cool new fad idea has caught on for whatever reason doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Especially considering this isn’t a game like Fortnite, where actual different classes exist and are on different footing.


Those are the equivalent of quick match in other games. No progression, no rating, no penalty for losing, limited rewards.


Put rating on them and now it’s the same thing but solo queue

Everything I said remains true.

Read the actual post lmao

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Totally not the same. You would hope there would be a plan with solo queue to have a rating system such that you are team with and play against similarly geared/skilled players. Not like skirmished where I am trying to do the weekly to get teamed with a 21k player. How fun would it be for that 21k player getting teamed with other similarly geared players and have a much better time and as their gear and skill progress have it be evident in their personal solo queue rating.


Here is where your argument falls. Most people do not have a consistent friend group they can play with. What we want is to play the game even when friends arent on, in which lfg is a terrible system for

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Having solo queue wouldnt even hurt you if you don’t want to play that game mode. It would be its entire bracket just like rated 2s or 3s. But it would be 3s rated solo queue.

Dont like it? don’t play it.


Why do people act like solo queue will eliminate group queue? Why do you care if people won’t like it? You aren’t forced to solo queue.

Maybe some people having a hard time getting into games want to play the game they pay for rather than stare at a screen all day.

Again no one is forcing you to solo queue. If anything solo queue will help group queues win more games since solo queue won’t always have an ideal comp.


i stopped reading after the first sentence please dont try and say arena skirms, bgs … are solo q. no they aren’t there is no progression to them

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When you can beat these people in PVP I’ll start to listen to your opinion.


Well if Stoopz thinks it then he must be right. Who cares about logic when someone who is skilled at CC has an opinion, we better just follow that. I take back my original post. Sorry.

I was referring to Skill Capped Gaming, who posted the video. You may have heard of them.

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so cringe. just stop it man. thats not solo queue and you know it. we want “ranked” solo queue and we also want Legion style templates.

I just spent 4 hours sitting in LFG with an open group to collect BTags to maybe play later. This is a lot of work just to play the game. I wish I could have used these 4 hours to play, instead of using it to plan. Can we please have a system that takes this burden out of me so I can actually play the game I love? #SoloQueue


just let them add it so people can realize it’s bad

The point doesn’t change. Not. One. Bit. Lmao.

We don’t have Rated solo queue

Most people’s end game content is pvp and it is difficult to get into unless you have regular partners, and unless you know people IRL, people you play with come and go

I primarily play healers and its the only way to find groups quickly and even then it gets more difficult once you cross that 1400 line and people start lying about many things (or were carried to that rating which also is an issue)

It will also weed out toxic players since they will either leave and lose rating if they get comps they don’t want, or are forced to play to win

It will let people play whatever they want, and people complain the meta is too dominant towards a few DPS and one healer, so would see lots of variety in play

Lastly, they want things like titles to be rewarded on a class/spec basis, meaning classes that have no representation, you could be the best MW monk or Outlaw rogue for example, which would never see high rated let alone at a AWC level

It seems like your the one who hates solo queue . Since you’re the only constant in those situations and judging by your atitude on this forum seems like the problem may exist between your chair and keyboard.


Pik I think you like me too much, you follow me from thread to thread going after me. Join a random BG. Join raid finder. People hate random play and random players. The point you just attempted to make is absolutely nonsensical. It’s as absurd as saying you’re the only one who likes random group play.

Im all for giving it a try, I would be curious to see how rated solo queue goes.

Im pretty sure the forums would be flooded with.

19 games in a row, never got paired with a healing class. Lost 80 rating.

Wonder how many people would just drop queue and eat the rating loss and 15 minute deserter if they got paired with way off meta stuff like demo lock or outlaw.


guess no one played overwatch or league of legends … How toxic will be if they make solo queue.
I’m 100% sure you guys will complain about solo queue if blizzard makes one … like you guys did about pvp scaling. People complain about pvp scaling before shadowland and when blizzard actually removed in shadowland, now you guys start complaining about pvp scaling LOL.