Very Disappointed in the Trading Post

Again, if the problem you have is wording, trading post came in a game update, and game updates often have no extra cost upfront (not by sub, important distinction) to access like it’s DLC.

And live service games also have free game updates. Not just minor itty bitty ones, but entire content patches. Nobody was saying that “oh WoW is free”.

…Wait, how their lazy?

Maybe you’re talking about TP using old items that have no way to obtained like Pandaren Monks, but i would hardly call that lazy.

Mind pointing out the laziness?

Trading Post is nothing like a Battle Pass. At it’s core, it’s just a collection of meta challenges to do while you play the game to earn rewards. It’s a thing since like nearly 20+ years ago. I’ve even talked about this on my thread. :point_down:

…Aaaaand adding to that list, is Legacy of the Warthog, having challenges to do while you play the game to earn cosmetics (which is btw, pretty cosmetic focused as well there).

So functionally, Trading post is not that different to the other feature’s from other games i’ve listed here.

And why does it have to be new, i ask?..

Why does it have to be new in order to be good exactly?..

I mean, that’s even going on the assumption that “New = good”. Some of the old items are still excellent. Like if i see flame-glaives on there, i wouldn’t go “THAT’S AN OLD ITEM!!”… i would go… "Oh neat! now people will get these because i thought their cool looking, and now you got flame-glavies! yay, go flame-glaives! :partying_face: "