Very active forum topic keeps getting silenced because of flag abuse and forum MVP is being harassed

There is a 1600+ post thread in the Classic forums that is being mob flagged by a guild or select few people to try and silence a constructive discussion

A forum MVP is being outright disrespected and flagged down as well … and all he’s trying to do is tell people that the topic is not against the TOS… yet there is an entire guild baiting arguments in it, spam flagging and abusing the system… its a big mess

Is there anything we can do to get the topic reopened and protected from such behavior?


SFAs here do not cross-moderate the other forums.

yeah, im just hoping I can get direction as to who to contact… like an email address or something.

Figured they’d know here

My best suggestion for Classic forums - keep it on topic, and restricted TO classic WoW.