Versatility in Patch 8.3 Hotfixes next week(Part 3!)

Well, well, well, well, well! As a foreword, you have my appreciative gratitude, Blizzard. I love this new and exciting Vers PvP Tax. Despite Tigole and Furor, I’m glad you’ve given us pure roles a bone.

So here we are again: “Is Versatility any good for a WPvP setting?” Uhhh, doesn’t look quite like it come June 9th. In summary, your Vers is -33% effective vs. players. Imagine doing 33% less damage, doing 33% less healing, and taking 33% more damage on value.

This is good because the situation was getting out of hand with corruption gear. I’m glad that hybrid classes and tanks across the board finally got more “mortalized”, especially the latter. I’m not too sure yet if it’ll still be competitive, but anything that goes into Vers is less for other secondary stats. That means that as Vers damage suffers, there’s less msty/haste/crit to go around as there’s no conversion for lost value vs. players. Unless they adjust their gear, they’re not going to be as hasty, as masterful, and as critical.

Not one week ago was I vindicated on the argument and now this happens. This toon never had more than 1% Vers even now in this patch. And Vers is not easy to stack by weight anyway. I’m so glad that I took a 4 month break via retirement to come back to this. That’s 16 weeks of avoiding so much epic buffalo diarrhea right into the ear from never winning vs. Vers-stacked hybrids. My only regret is that Blizzard should have done this at the beginning of 8.3. Gear alone made me took more D’s and L’s than I like to admit.

https ://

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Nerf mage and warlocks

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I’m assuming you are referring to this statement:

That’s not saying the Versatility stat is getting nerfed by 33%. Its saying that the Corruption Effect called Versatile which is “Increases the amount of Versatility you gain from all sources by 12%” (12% at rank 3). Only now in pvp that 12% will be more like 4%.

In other words lets say I have an unmodified versatility rating of 800, which (hypothetically) translates into 9% dmg increase and 4.5% dmg reduction. And then I equip a Verstatile corruption effect that gives me 12% more Versatility from all sources, giving me a rank of 896 which translates into 10% dmg increase and 5% dmg reduction. After the pvp nerf my pvp versatile-modified versatility ranking will be 832 instead of 896 and maybe that’s 9.2% dmg increase 4.6% dmg reduction.

It’s going to effect those guys that go nuts with 1 specific type of corruption effect, but guys who stack versatility “normally” and/or also use Void Ritual or Surging Vitality won’t be effected.


so wait, does it apply to All PVP or only BGs and Arenas?

All pvp combat.

Yup… Versatility remains the best PvP stat. Nothing has changed on that .

It’s really not nice how Blizz does these nerfs after ppl spend their time farming currency to buy the corruption.


I will say one thing for you there isnt a subject you wont QQ about

This isn’t QQ but the opposite of QQ. If QQ means quit, then this is a subject. Edit: Abigall, why quit now? At least when 8.3 started you had a reason to QQ but this is excellent news. But the opposite is also true: if you believe that having 30-80 % Vers is what required you to be competitive, then by all means QQ. Take a page out of my book and retire like I did in February.

@Tinkerrific, Dosao Well, duh: you can see it in the Blue Tracker pic that it said so under the category of Corruption Effects. But this is talking about Vers overall in 8.3, which is not a universal Vers stat change set in stone. This only applies to the OUTRAGEOUS Vers buffs we’re getting as of CURRENT. But when we get into SL, things will normalize and what you get in Vers then is what you keep.

What’s been buzzing for at least as long as I’ve been out is that you’re looking at 70-80% Vers people dominating WPvP. YES, TAX THAT EXCREMENT!

But no, any corruption EFFECT is going to be taxed 33%, and like I said in my OP, you’re not getting kickbacks in some other stat. Stacking Vers is pretty punishing enough to get the number you’d ideally want. So what’s the net change? Everyone being more “killy”(ork lingo) vs. hybrid classes and tank specs.

Having established this, I guess I’ll just do what I always do: if it’s an upgrade and gasp(here we go) CLOSER TO BiS then I’LL TAKE IT! As I said a week ago, I got close to 7% Vers on my other toon without even trying, so it’s not like I have much of a choice.

Edit: We’re basically back to 8.0-8.2.5 when Vers had to be grown organically. That was hard to do depending on spec as I said in Part 1. And because it’s not a very heavy stat for value you’re not going to be looking at high vers at any rate anymore, organic or no. Now I’m not sure if that’s still the way to go for PvP, but I’m going to stick to my tried-and-true refrain that it depends on spec. Obviously if you play a HYBRID you’re going to get more bang for your buck.

Realistically, I might see myself with ~5% base Vers, which is practically peanuts compared to what would be patch history. But I’d be more mathematically correct to do the best DPS thus put more peeps on the defensive quicker.

You act like i just repeated what you said, except this is what you posted,

Laughable and pathetic. Not only were you wrong about what Blizz said, you’re wrong about what you said.

Blizz actions haven’t changed anything in a significant way. That’s obvious to anyone, except maybe you.

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Did you even look at the Blue Tracker? What in the blazes are you talking about me not knowing what I pulled from a website?

Did you?
You are the one claiming that Blizz has nerfed all versatility but its very clear that Blizz only plans to nerf 1 corruption affix. There are at least 2 others they haven’t touched that affect versatility and they aren’t touching versatility itself.

Here’s the original source:

This is what they are changing

I never said that. How old and educated are you that you can’t stick to context? Did I not say that there’s a new Vers TAX? What version are we playing right now in WoW? It wasn’t until 8.3 when Vers really got ridiculous on gear.

Soooo you didn’t write this?

The rest of the “context” is you just whining about gear and proclaiming you’re great for taking a break, like who cares.

Its not a statement open to misinterpretation. You made a sweeping generalization and a comically incorrect one at that.

Actually, it pays to sit it out. That’s what I wish some of you would do. Instead of seething in self-loathing and hate, take a page out of my book. Sit it out and wait until Blizzard gets off their lazy keesters and fix what was supposed to go live at Day 1.

Sure, I wrote that. Where do you think most of the Vers gear comes from? Now, the effects that boost it to ridiculous levels will be taxed, so you’re not looking at getting far past 50% best-case scenario, and that would gimp at least two other stats.

Actually In a few weeks we will be back to the same vers due to the cloak res increasing.

What does that have to do with the tax? Yea, you can wear more powerful pieces, but it’s not going to be so dramatic an increase in organic Vers. It’s going to be interesting to see how it plays out. A lot of mathematically incorrect vers scrubs coming soon to a WPvP hometown theater near you.

You won’t be wearing more powerful pieces, you will have the same % in vers you have now.

Which means same damage reduction and when you get stunned you take zero damage.

Apparently “Op” hybrids will get their buffs back.

In PvE, yes. In PvP, yes. From the Versatile effect, no. You know the buff that allows you to gain 12% additional Vers from ALL sources?

I don’t know this means.

Yes, they are OP. Why do you think this happened, never mind so late in stage? I’ve been blasting the forums for over a YEAR how there’s no WPvP balancing at all.

And what buffs? If you’re talking about Surging Vitality as an example, that’s what everyone gets. If everyone has something, what does that mean?

At either rate, you can kiss 50+% vers goodbye. I don’t care how well you progressed this patch. It’s going to suck more for classes like you. Not nearly as much as it sucked for Hunter, so you got that going fer ya. I would be looking at other corruption investment alternatives.

I was being sarcastic about hybrids being op.

Non hybrids have over the top healing these days.

Yes the 12% vers is going to be 8% increase instead in pvp.

So where you can wear 4 no issue now, in a few weeks you will have 6 no issue and be in the same position you are now.

The people who gain from this will be haste stacking players such as locks/mages and possibly wars.

Also let’s not forget the tank players stack %health abilities.

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Well, that’s more or less what I meant. The pures are getting a leg up.

I see it more as the 8.2.5 status quo, and you’re not really wrong. I also called it right and wisely that S4 was going to be a repeat of S3. That’s the reason why I retired. I knew it was going to suck. Engaging hybrids would be more palatable, as they’ll realize they’ll no longer have their I-WIN button.

They already take more damage from players and they had gone through some balancing nerfs. I’m not surprised they’d rather do that than to learn to get gud.