Versatility in Patch 8.3 Hotfixes next week(Part 3!)

If certain specs didn’t hit so hard you would see more people stacking other things.

Personally I want haste on my enh, but I need some damage reduction to not go splat.

My bad on an incorrect original interpretation. I incorrectly read the nerf as 33% of the value (12% x .33=4%) and the correct is that its effect is 33% (12% x (1-.33)=8%).

When its all said and done, versatility will still be king on the pvp battlefield for most specs.

So basically, they’re afraid to take a hit or two. They want to be on EZ Street. Boy howdy, the youth these days, forgive me for saying. And WPVP isn’t even the fastest-paced online gaming there is.

This is what Resilience used to be good at, that you didn’t have to make a sacrifice for the modern version of the stat. That’s what I was talking about since Part 1 and whenever before; some specs are lucky to get Vers as a more comprehensive improvement to their overall damage. Mine wasn’t. Like Hades I’m going to gimp haste but especially mastery for that.

Then I came out with Part 2 and I find that Vers is everywhere in 8.3 endgame. It almost makes Vers pointless when everybody has it and it’s too difficult to avoid, but I know that at the same time there’s an arms race there as well.

You owed me the apology for that. If you stop with the hatred and actually get your mind right on the subject, it practically says 33% less effective on that corruption power. That was the only thing that was stopping you. Rombell didn’t need to reinforce it.

We’ll see if it’s still king. If Versatile is all you’re going for, that’s a lot to put in for less back, when you’re going to be up against savvy people who actually invested in more effective corr stuff for damage. Offense is the best defense, I always say. But you know, people are that scared of taking an L to the point where they’d shy away from a W that is earned by trying. No guts, no glory.

I owe you nothing.

You originally stated that all versatility was being nerfed. I pointed out to you that it only applied to a single corruption affix and did so in a way that was matter-of-fact and polite

Your reply to it,

was rude and obnoxious . AND you’re not disputing my statement, which while slightly inaccurate in the math, was an ocean closer to the truth than what you began with.

If an apology is owed by anyone to anybody its owed by you to everyone else

Just own that you said it wrong.

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It still took someone else besides me to get you to walk it back. I consider that debt paid, by and by: a debt you owed to yourself. It’s nothing to me if you can’t do research and read. I got the benefit of 16 weeks while you were probably on the ground sucking for wind the whole time in the field, depending on what you mained, because you treat people like me who try to help and educate like total dog poo.

You have to understand I’m already in a bad mood with some forum regulars here who can’t wait to run their mouths reckless at me because of my experience, knowledge, acumen, achievements and participation in this subject matter. I guess I’ll say it that I’m that hair-triggered. This is part of the business, granted, but I’m Mickey Mouse compared to the worst. You think I’m rude and obnoxious now, o sweet summer child. I’m the most polite WPvPer you’ll ever get to understand.

Even the cute little mouse or spider packs a mean bite when cornered.

Mate there is two parts to a conversation, you failed your end.

No need to be rude about it, just shrug it off and try a different way of saying it.

Most things you have said in this thread come across as bitter, now you have been civil to me and so maybe there is a history with you and the others.

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I guess your “12% vers bonus across the board is now 8%” was more beneficial than actually reporting the Blue that says that 33% less effective vs. players. But since we’re 18-19 weeks in, my bad mood is the best I can do to be real with people who don’t understand context. My advice? Don’t make a bad mood worse. I will take bad every time.

You made your “bad mood” abundantly clear with the whining you did in your original post. Its not on us to tiptoe around your hurt feelings. Go see a therapist and learn to take responsibility for your emotions.

Is there really a need to get so worked up over nothing?


I mean it’s almost as bad as Alphon obsessing about netting Druids in flight form.

There is no context you absolute clown. The patch notes say Versatile, which is a corruption. Versatility is the stat. Nothing changes with the stat, only the corruption. Also, this does nothing in the grand scheme of things because even 8% versatility will put people where we are now in terms of damage reduction as the cloak resistance ramps up.

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Okay, let’s work with that. Versatile is a corruption power. What patch is it new in? 8.3. What stat does that affect? Versatility. What did the player of Zex do with the title? Versatility IN Patch 8.3 Hotfixes next week. Now where did I ever mention Shadowlands, or 10.0, in all that? Who got the idea this was going to be permanent?

You’re right: nothing changes with Vers. What is it is that you’re stuck with the organic, vanilla Vers that you get on its own. It’s just not going to be HYPERINFLATED, Mr. Sandal.

I don’t know. Is there a need for people to get difficult?

I thought he was talking about a bug that Blizzard needs to fix. You didn’t see me commenting to him all rudely and disrespectfully. That’s me leading by example by the way. If he believes that was an issue, then let him be heard. It’s already impossible to catch a druid in retreat anyway.

Then you made a big mistake trying to embarrass me, something I suggest you not do again. You, acting like butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth, thinking you know what’s best for people you’ve never known in RL. Your concern trolling is an old worn-out trick that if this was anywhere else, it would come to a hard stop.

Edit: To think also that next door in the Arena forums, there’s a thread filled with people who know exactly what I was talking about here. VERS AMPS. How do you miss that going in 18 weeks for crying out loud? What were you doing? Why do some of you bother coming to this forum if you don’t even engage in PvP? But you want to play the victim when you grief those who actually PvP and want to have a discussion.

I might have to start blacklisting some folks in light of this.

Is there a popcorn emoji? Oh, found it. :popcorn:

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Well yeah! I told everyone there’s jalapeño flavored popcorn when I came back last week to do some goldfarming. Where were you? Not that it matters; we’re getting to the good part of the show where I’m just going to start blacklisting people. In case SL might have some gucci WPvP, it’d be a good insurance policy to keep the threads clean.

People who’ve been out of the loop for 18 weeks and do nothing but argue against Blue posts and disrupt those giving relevant and on-topic discussion should be just shunned outright(anywhere else than here, I tell ya…). I read up on WoWHead or MMO Champ when I wasn’t playing so they have no excuse they can’t do the same. If you’re spending less time in-game, that’s more time you can be spending on that.

The biggest thing people are complaining about are Destros, but everything I’ve said about class balance since last year fell on deaf ears so I can’t be blamed for that. I am just happy Blizzard did do something, even in the middle of a drought. You take the good with the bad.

It’s very clear that most of the negative responses you’ve received are targeted towards your use of the word “versatility” over “versatile” in one of your previous posts. They want you to admit you made a mistake to win some petty argument and in response you’ve launched into a tirade of convoluted, ultra defensive monologues trying to affirm some kind of moral superiority and feeding their spite. I think what those guys have said to you are unnecessarily nitpicky and petty but your responses come off as extremely pretentious, acting like a complete know it all over random details only you care about it.

I don’t know whether or not you made a mistake by misinterpreting the Blizzard hotfix as being a nerf to the versatility stat and not the Vers amp corruption. For all I know it was just a miswording. If it was and you don’t want to say that the way you worded it was misleading, that’s fine. But everyone else can see that versatile being nerfed and versatility being nerfed are two completely different things


I’m glad you mentioned that because that’s exactly what’s happening. You have to be tough in the face of that. Nobody respects a weakling. In fact, if I were to suck up to them, I’d get disrespected even more. So it’s typical Internet bravado, basically. The POTUS does it all the time on Twitter and it works even in RL. It gives me an opportunity to highlight their lack of reading and comprehension and laugh at them in the attempt of trying to one-up me.

No, I did not. Again, you had people sporting 70-80% Versatility. That doesn’t just happen organically. That’s what Blizzard is trying to fix. Organic vers would be much lower, and not too inconsistently from 8.2.5, where it’d be, shrugs in the 20-40% range. It wasn’t a miswording at all. It’s all in the context of a finalized Vers that comes from amps being nerfed 33%.

If you want to tell the truth to yourself, you know that since 8.3 launch, people have been stacking these.

Thank you so much for this much-need clarification. I think that ought to give you a free jumbo bag of jalapeño-flavored popcorn.

It’s just getting to the point where I don’t want to talk to people like these anymore. Never mind being pretentious, I’d rather not deal with it if I had a choice. I love to share, learn, and grow with others who are playing the same PvP I was doing.

No one said you did. The point is, it does nothing in the end because people will still be at the current level of versatility, within a month from now.

The problem wasn’t vers corruption anyway, it was broken specs like destro and fire mage stacking haste and mastery stat amps which made the meta be to stack vers for everyone else. Nerf mongoloid specs like destro and fire mage and leave corruptions as they are.

We’re aware as always that you are just rambling about nothing. Also, them nerfing vers still does nothing to keep you from still being bad.

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A couple of hardcasters that can’t be CC’ed into the ground because why??? That’s not enough to convince me they need nerfing. Melee has too many tools for that. If you’re a melee and you can’t handle it, to use the tools given, that’s a git-gud problem.

You should be thankful and appreciative that RDPS has any representation at all. You’re too proud as a DK to let them have their moment. I’m actually cool with it myself, and last patch, I was easily matched with those specs. It was melee that always gave me problems.

If I can just do threads I can lock myself, that would really be convenient. As the wise say, “Those who get it, do. Those who don’t, never will.”

I’m retired. I’m not competing this season. Look at my Armory. Pure as the driven snow.

You’re as ignorant and moronic as ever with statements like that. They’re literally the two most broken specs in arena. Feel free to go to the arena forums and ask around or browse the threads. Hint: Blizzard makes changes that affect arenas (specifically 3v3) that carry over to WPvP and other parts of the game.

Destro has been broken the entire expansion lmao and mage is always a top RDPS spec, as well as Ele and occasionally spriest. You, again, show you aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

It’d be really convenient if they just perma-banned you for talking about nonsense and spamming the forums with it. You using quotes of wisdom is ironic coming from the biggest dullard to pollute the forums.

Didn’t you get destroyed on stream by some fury warrior with you having help? I believe I remember that somewhere. Also, stop speaking of competition in regards to wpvp. There’s nothing competitive about it.