I’m trying out Evoker heals. Been using Verdant Embrace for emergency spot heals. Just had a dungeon where I used Verdant Embrace on a melee. This dragged me through 3 different AOE spots on the ground, killing me in flight
Makes me think that in keys, this could inadvertently cause unnecessary deaths. Especially on those bosses/pulls with high movement or lots of moving aoe. Need a big spot heal, and whoops, faceplant in to a puddle of fire
I dunno where I’m going with this. Just really bugged me. Could very well be I’m just bad, or missing something lol
No no. It is known. V.embrace does not make you immune to mechanics. It can be very dangerous. It’s best you use rescue with the shield talent. Or do an instant spiritbloom. Or emerald communion. Or time dilatation +echo+reversion. Or cast echo on yourself befre doing the v.embrace so it heals you at yhe same time
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I wound up eating some big hits during the pre-patch when I used verdant embrace on the tank (whoops!) I learned to be very careful without after that lol. It’s also really bad for topping up that one pug who’s standing in the bad…
But… putting yourself in harm’s way aside, it also has frequent pathing errors where it triggers a gcd, but then you fail to fly to the target or heal them. That’s really not ideal for a clutch heal.
/cast [@player] Verdant Embrace;
I want the buff it provides. I want to stay topped off for my mastery. I don’t want to deal with the pathing or flying through/into the bad. Thus, I use that macro and I use Verdant Embrace strictly as my self heal.
It’s actually worked out quite well so far.
Just echo them and VE yourself
I only use it for myself or to catch up to someone running ahead of me. It’s not smart to use on the tank or a person in an aoe pool lmao I think they want us to be like Pally Heals, but they won’t give us Dragonscale Amor buff to compensate for how close and mid-range this class was designed to be. Sooooo I’m waiting on a huge buff to our scales to withstand more damage and better mechanics besides rushing in chaos and then dying just to push mediocre heals with Verdant Hug.
Yep you have to be extremely aware of what is happening around you and careful with how you use it, same as deep breath.
Best bet is to echo your target and embrace yourself if aoe is out.
If you do hard content you’re going to run into situations where you are definitely going to want to VE other targets. I’m not sure making a macro that only casts it on yourself is the best tool for learning to play the class correctly moving forward, seems like your just purposefully handicapping yourself.
Just gotta be careful. Like everyone else said Echo the target and Verdant yourself. It sucks to do it! But I think this is part of the class complexity. Only if they had the talent to make Verdant Embrace send a Spirit of yourself instead of repositioning you. That would be cool but unlikely. 
Here are my thoughts for evoker changes
My thoughts on improving Evoker
An issue I have with VE is that if you’re mid-flight to someone and you get knocked back or stunned somehow, the ability still goes on cd and the person doesn’t get healed.
I love Prevoker a lot, but it’s either tied with Disc, or beats it, for most skill capped healer. Mostly due to little nuances like that and what OP mentioned.