Both of the mounts have orange sparks that come from their heads, could we get those particle effects changed the correct colors of the mounts?
I believe it was an oversight while recoloring the mounts per season.
Bump, Demonic Storm Dragon had this issue as well; it was fixed in BfA (mouth & feet were blue while wings were green).
Draconic Drake:
Verdant Drake:
You could imagine for someone with OCD that this would be quite triggering.
The truest bug is not the color of the particles, but the fact the mounts aren’t red.
Please change the color of the Draconic Gladiator Drake’s embers/particle effects from orange to purple to match the color of the dragon.
Please fix this would make the mounts look even better.
Can we also get the glow effect on the dragon made more visible. During the daytime its barely noticable unless you are zoomed in looking at the wings. You have to use an inky black potion to see it clearly.
This is quite jarring and I do hope Blizzard fixes this, please.
Yeah, I love the drake it’s my favorite but the orange sparks are driving me nuts lol.
Just wanted to share my appreciation for the Charming Courier mount.
I love the harmonic spell lighting effects that correctly blend its frost theme with the blue hue aura it exudes.
I imagine since gladiator mounts are just a tiny bit harder to obtain than purchasing the 6 month sub, we could look to making the flames correctly match the dragons corresponding flights. Ya know, just to keep up with the precedent set by the gorgeous owl.
Thanks for your bump Suekey, hopefully this gets fixed soon.
Not a problem at all Kydrav.
Also I’m not bumping this thread towards the 30 day age limit. Not at all. I just don’t use the forums often…
. This is all a coincidence.
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Will do the same.
Also noticed the wings don’t glow as much as they do underneath the wings on Draconic; a fix would be great.
Another month, another bug that stays within the game.
Blizzard, we know you care about ‘Blizzard Quality’, plz fix this 
Hey Suekey, thanks for the bump man.
Still no fix. 
It’s not a problem at all Kydrav.
I believe in Blizzard quality and I know that Blizzard believes in Blizzard quality too. Surely they’ll fix this sooner or later.