Trading Post Tender Disappeared (+ other TWW Bugs)

I was gifted tender due to epic edition being put on my account (TWW) ontop of that I completed the trading post so got tender from that as well.

I had 1925 tender to spend, so I did but when I went to purchase, it gave me a ‘taking too long we’ll process it in the background’ error. That’s great but it only took my tender & didn’t give me any of the items I had purchased so I basically got cheated out of nearly 2000 tender.

I paged a GM who gave me the typical copy paste tender article as to tell me ‘you don’t understand how tender or trading post works’ (I do, you guys need to work on who you employ for GMS they’re useless).

Not happy at all, I expect to be refunded some way there should be a way for you guys to track tender transactions no? Let’s get it together.

Speaking of that, The Verdant Gladitator Slitherdrake/Draconic Gladiator Drake still have their graphical issues in the post I had made over a month ago:

As well as Warrior’s execute being bugged: