Venruki, the peoples champ has spoken ..... again

Here we go. Lebanese making the 10th billion post about this topic… idc I do this for the greater good of pvp.

Im not suggeting targeted solutions for each rating / league threshold (done that countless times) rather I want to outline the problem and a broad general description of a better system for us all.

The biggest problem with wow pvp right now is that no one plays it. Clearly, something is wrong. Adding new game modes and listening to feedback helps but time and time again the system has failed to bring back players to our section of wow’s endgame…pvp.

The last mass influx of players was during SL season 1 (pvers). They joined us in the arena and battlegrounds to earn gear to slay dragons. By SLS2 blizzard made changes such that mythic raid gear (equilivent - 233 ivl) could not come from PVP. This is where the decline began.

A system needs to be developed that retains players in the pvp gamemode. There shouldnt be a world where the same player can differ almost 800 rating (r1 btw) between two different recent pvp seasons (contrasting SL2 to DF seasons). Rather a dynamic rating system (with appropriate rewards is needed).

People sit and wait to push. My btags, other forum / reddit users all say this. Yes, it is possible to get all the rewards straight away but it is VERY VERY hard. To the point that people just quit or wait for the last two weeks. Why wait? Lets have a system that ENCOURAGES people to play throughtout the season. Waiting to push is not fun. As an oce player I can tell you LFG becomes DEAD when I want to play at night. Obviously this is because it is very late in the Americas but I also believe it is because people are waiting till the end of the season. This was not the case in SLS1 I got queues all night long.

Something needs to change. Fix it.


Sources: the video I linked and this reddit post.


i see what you mean but the problem again blizzard didn’t have devellopper that does solely pvp even more with the recent patch note we did see

cloth 35 % armor increase in pvp is the prime example

they did play dirty for the plate wearer

blizzard should get they sh&* together and hire someone that care about the pvp aspect of the game not follow some metric that they can says ‘‘oh that class overperform then that a nerf’’ again i’m a strong pvp player that i enjoy that mode but now i don’t know if i can still eat anymore of it


I dont know if they do or do not have a developer for pvp. I feel they need to have better communication around pvp through an interview. This would really help PVP players know that our voice are being heard.


% based rewards needed so freaking bad


Pvp doesnt have to be a minigame. Its world of WARcraft.


PvP has just evolved to be completely different than PvE.

If we really want new players we need to dumb down pvp to the point most of the current enjoyers wouldn’t like it.

If we want new players the most likely place to grab them is existing PvE players, which means the entire style of PvP should be changed to more reflect how PvE players enjoy the game.


less is better in terms of look how popular older verison of WoW pvp was, we have so many buttons and micro CC to manage now it’s alot for new players.

Less micro CC and make classes not be able to do everything too, nearly ever class now has an MS and self healings etc… Peak pvp for me was WoD, comps mattered and was less buttons to smash and a lot less micro CC.

slow the pace down and i think more people would play pvp


YouTube video threads need to be formally disallowed in the forum code of conduct


I don’t need to even click that link to know Venruki is going to be yappin and crying. Dude is spare parts.


As a casual, I don’t pvp anymore because the juice ain’t worth the squeeze.

Zone in, gates open, warrior double leaps across the map, charges me, spin amd I’m dead in 1 second.

It’s not fun and the reward is a pathetic amount of conq. As if im doing that for 3 weeks to save up for 2 pieces of gear that STILL need to be upgraded. Lol. No thanks.


I worked all weekend on my resto druid getting 3,4 9 points per game suffering 3-3 for most it. Only to play one bad shuffle and lose 53 points. My entire weekend of progress gone. Paused sub for six months


Venurki mentions a gamepass reward for doing a certain amount of each type of pvp content.

A response was - does that require too much stuff?

One answer to that would be to implement something like what Blizzard has now for honor with the different random BG/skirm modes:

1 currency that you need to build to get rewards. You can get it from any type of rated content. However, the first x matches (5-10?) of each game mode played per week gives 2x currency or w/e. So, the fastest way to build currency is to do the minimum amount of each game mode per week. But if you don’t like certain game modes, you can just do the others more and still earn the currency.

And because the bonus is per week, it would encourage people to participate throughout the season. But they wouldn’t have to because you can always earn extra in other weeks. You could also accumulate a certain amount of catchup rounds for bonus currency if you miss a week or two. So that you could catch up on your bonus matches of a certain type of content every 2-3 weeks if you don’t want to play each mode every week.

Don’t care, got mog

willpower made of wet paper mache


People need to be able to reach their goals with the same difficulty scross a season.

Otherwise people will revert back to end of season pushing, because why not?

Theres other amazing games out there, im not gonna waste away at a brick wall in wow arena if i dont have to.


Gladiator needs to be made a participation award if this game wants to survive.

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Solo Shuffle was a mistake, give us solo RBG already.

Which games do you have in mind with this statement?

Its funny cuz everyone is calling Ven a cryer/whiner and then proceeds to do the same thing in the forums


I love how the PvP community still assumes Blizzard does development for them. It’s almost cute. PvP content has been forgotten about for the last 5-6 years at least and most likely PvP has been run by some basic balancing skeleton crew of 2 or 3 people.