Venruki, the #1 Mage in the World says Solo Queue will be dead if tanks are allowed

He has played and streamed solo shuffle a bunch to test it out, the overwhelming majority would prefer no tanks in arenas

Blizzard only keep it in as a band aid for faster queues, but most would prefer to wait longer for healer queues than to queue into tanks


I have no doubt the overwhelming majority of people that currently play arenas a lot don’t approve of tanks currently.

I just get the impression this mode isn’t designed for that small subset of players and is more designed to for a wider audience.

Will it be successful? Probably not any more or any less than previous arenas.


Hes not the number one mage in the world and he didnt say that tanks will kill solo q when you watch the video. He said its not fun and doesnt know what the solution is. From a competitive stand point, its totally fine and from a q session speed standpoint, its better. Seems fine to me.

That’s just it, though. Trying to include tanks (in the current format) would likely to very offputting to the masses, but it’s not too late to make adjustments. Obviously they aren’t likely going to outright disable the role, but some changes seem…warranted.

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let’s just have all the tanks fight other tanks, the problem will solve itself


ven #1 mage

god damn that got my sides pretty good LOL


I farm that guy and I’m not even remotely near the top. Ven never has been amazing at mage but is an amazing commentator and social butterfly :butterfly: thus getting into groups of people with high skill.

He’s never been amazing at mage but had been higher than you ever have been? Makes sense.
Several r1 titles and didn’t he almost win blizzcon one year?
Yeah you’re right, carried by better players because of his personality lol

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“#1 mage in the world” giant fkn kappa?

At no point did he say Tanks need to be banned. Are you CNN with this fake news? Venruki says that we need to actually maybe lean toward Healer/Tank/Dps.

In fact to Quote him “We can’t ban tanks, that would be just giving up on several specs.”

Just make Tanks like they were in WotLK where they do massive damage and have great utility. Then put them with healers. /fixed.

he won it twice


Ven’s arguably one of the best players to play the game lol. Blizzcon winner.

More of an og player, honestly a little washed these days compared to current tournament players but he seemingly cares more about his stream and commentating than competing. But even his “washed” is still better than 99% of the ladder lol.

Also yes, remove tanks. They ruin shuffle.


Nah man tanks are here to stay embrace the suck

Are you gonna put your eternal season reflex on your tombstone in 50 years or something?


idk i wouldn’t equate getting free r1 by playing with two insane awc players to better than 99% of the ladder

can literally name 10 mages on the ladder off the top of my head that’s 50x better than him


5 matches
Players A B C D
AB v. CD, AC v. BD x2
then the last game is whoever has the most rounds won + least rounds won v. the other two, teams chosen at random if tied
probably be as balanced as tank queues though
I think its okay for tanks to be able to sit out this queue out until they can figure out how to balance tank games, considering the alternative

Queue pops, you accept, you are in a team with a blood DK.

motivation.exe deleted

Nah ven didn’t play s4

Thank God someone beat me to it.