imo tanks need to be banned.
This has been the sentiment for a while. Tank/dps/dps is just an awful, unfun format where most games are decided in the first DR. Even if it falls off or match quality improves at higher MMRs I think that too many people will have their initial experience ruined by these 20 second meathead zergfests.
If only we could have foreseen this being an issue months ago.
They should just work in 2v2 dps into the format
Venruki is the only normal Canadian I’ve ever encountered.
thoughts on having tanks slotted into DPS so youd have tank/healer/dps comps fighting eachother? maybe give the tank players nerfed healing or something to make it a tolerable experience?
Had a legendary match with 2 Guardians where I was able to go 1-5. Double hunter or WW Hunter and I’d disperse opener and then be dead afterwards. Great game, love tanks.
Get ready for a whole expansion of rated solo shuffle tanks. I’m sure everyone in here knows 2 months into expansion it will be once every 6 month balance passes while they work on the next expansion.
You spelled Xaryu and Mages Not Having Deep Freeze wrong
just let them q into healers problem solved qs still stay fast
if tanks are allowed, i need brewmaster supremacy, not pally
At the very least an effort needs to be made to balance tanks against one another.
Yep, Tank/Healer/DPS would probably be better if they insist on having tanks at all. But, to do this they really need to do some balancing for tanks. Less damage for some. More damage for some. Less livelord for some and more utility for some.
Or perhaps just do Tank/Tank/Tank vs. Tank/Tank/Tank.
Also, if they did allow Healer/Tank/DPS there would only be four rounds so there aren’t any Healer/Tank/Tank sides.
That, then perhaps limit it to a single tank per shuffle.
Does solo shuffle even apply to him?
Why wouldn’t it?
Just thought he was a group player.
Regardless, if he is advocating shutting people out of the game mode, it is fair to say the game mode shouldn’t apply to him as well.
Yeah, but the activities aren’t mutually exclusive. Plus as somebody who does streaming/YouTube stuff I can’t imagine shuffle “content” won’t be popular.
It’s just that they could probably handle the inclusion of tanks a little better.
Was hoping this would be a way to get vicious saddles casually on my main. I played one game and realized it’s just gonna be 3 melee humping my leg 2 at a time while I go 0-6 and promise never to do this mode again.
Just make random BGs give credit towards vicious saddles and you’ll get more casuals into PvP and who knows… maybe they’ll actually want to get good and do arenas too.