A reminder that these bonuses are going to get rebalanced (i.e. S2 would proc off 20 souls again instead of 60) or so
Nigh infinite brand uptime seems more attractive than more sigils of flame
even if season 2 set was unnerfed, current tier dumpsters it in aoe while yt30 dumpsters current tier in st. ultimately vote between season 2 and 3 on your personal preference. both are good. dont vote season1
Fiery brand being up on most targets for like 75% of the time during a key/raid
Sigil of flame cooling down quicker and providing a crappy stamina buff?
fiery demise is a big buff, but all the extra shattered souls that fuel spirit bomb is also a lot of damage (ignoring the healing, since the convo is about damage atm, i guess)
Blizzard is going to be tuning these set bonuses so the T30 set will most likely not be as strong as it was in season 2. I don’t understand why we are voting for this now if we don’t even know what the final product is going to be.
The season 2 tier was nerfed absurdly when they released the season 3 one. So if they don’t undo this nerf, the season 2 tier no longer works, go to 3 which is better, since we have no guarantee that they will undo the nerf .
They literally already said they’re going to retune the bonuses. You should be voting for the best design, not what has the best raw numbers at this immediate moment. In terms of how it affects the playstyle, S2 is the clear winner and is what everyone should pick.
We want what’s going to do be the best. This is how the game is played. No one is going into a +28 key and say “wow this tier set has some great gameplay”. We want what’s going to make our character strong.