Vengeance Demon Hunter talent ability Soul Carver greyed out when using Aldrachi Warblades

Posting this here for more visibility. Original thread in demon hunter forum: Soul Carver Bugged/Not Working for VDH

This bug is still happening today. None of the troubleshooting methods work if you want to use Soul Carver along with the artifact weapon Aldrachi Warblades:

  1. Equipping Warblades will cause Soul Carver to be greyed out.
  2. If you unlearn then relearn Soul Carver with Warblades equipped it will appear to work - for one single time - when you attempt to use Soul Carver again it will once again be greyed out.

You mean when you Mog the artifacts appearance?

If this is the case, I’m not sure if you’re Logging through the artifact tab or Warglaive tab of TMog table. But, you can still access the artifact appearances without the artifact tab. Maybe try equipping the Mog through Warglaive tab instead of artifact tab?

I only use the artifact Mog on my Havoc so wouldn’t have personal experience with the interactions of venge spells and mogs. But it’s an idea to try if you haven’t already.

No I meant the actual artifact weapon.

My demon hunter is levelling through Legion and experiencing its storyline in Chromie time. I cannot use Soul Carver with the Aldrachi Warblades equipped.

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Ah I see. That’s unfortunate. I have also experienced game breaking bugs with leveling expacs. For instance my druid was able to make it to the order hall but could not talk to Malfurion to do any questing. No matter how many times I logged or how many days went by. But, I’ve experienced that in all the leveling expacs. Something about them being moved to that stage breaks something in them.

Do you have Heirloom weapons? You could always use heirloom and Mog it to look like the Warglaive. Then just continue to upgrade the glaive from your bag?

Not sure if that will work or help, just an idea for ya :blush:

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Thanks for the suggestion! Yeah I suppose that’s the only solution for now if I really want to use Soul Carver.

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