Vender flying was taken away in 2014

I just want to be 100% clear here. We had flying come in with TBC in 2007 and everyone really loved it. It became normal for a new xpack to not let us fly until max level, no one had a issue with this system. These xpacks that had normal flying at max level were zome of the most amazing places ever.

Blizzard threw a curve ball at us with warlords, they not only took flying away and no one liked it, blizzard stood their ground for little to no reason over this and finally gave in and put in pathfinder as a very grinder, locked behind rep achievement that basically had you do any and everything you’d want flying for without it to ‘‘earn’’ it. (Wod ended up a abandoned xpack and they moved on early from it to legion)

Then we moved into a xpack sytle where we had to not earn just 1, but 2 pathfinders for flying. To give the illusion we could work on it right away but they could hold onto the second part whenever, with a cute quirk that we get it normally when it’s time to move to a new end game zone where, wow, look at THAT! flying isn’t allowed in that zone we have to do content in after earning our flying… Then this mindset hit it’s lovely breaking point in shadowlands where they not only took flying, they took our normal ground mounts. We can defeat the burning legion but we can’t travel above walking speed in the maw. But don’t worry player! we put in 50 million items to help you deal with the loss of not flying or even mounting sometimes, from flight whistles for flight paths, to teleporting item and new hearthstones!

because getting on your mount you’ve loved since you got it and flying while looking around is SO much worse then…teleporting and not exploring anything for fun?

They talked down to players about it, said we didn’t ‘‘know’’ what we wanted , dragged their feet on the ground every step of the way only to turn around in dragonflight and legit reinvented flying through dragon riding and now said in the next xpack we get it back the normal way being able to have more flying at max level.

They REINVENTED flying after CREATING a issue for years and gaslighting us on it.

I adore dragonflight, I love this xpack and have had more fun then i have in years flying but I will never forgive or forget what they did to it though the years.

I will never forget logging off in frustration due to poor questing zone design and not being able to reach a treasure or location I need only to have so much fun for hours on end once I finally got my flying while being told that it didn’t matter enough to them.

Blizzard, you really sucked for that. And you could have saved us all this pain in warlords by saying ‘‘hey we’re wrong’’ and putting flying in the same patch people left over it. You could have fixed it before it was ever a issue and did all this as a waste for 10 years. Warlords was 2014…2023 which vender flying coming back in 2024.

Admit when you’re wrong if you really want to lose your old stubbornness.


And put us through path finder yet again just to gain regular flight.

So apparently he’s not done yet…


SL was almost the end of wow for me. I mainly came back because dragon riding was available within about 30 minutes of entering the expansion. I’ve loved the freedom we got back but if they ever take it away again and pull a pathfinder (yes I know it exists for regular flying but at least we’re not completely stuck on the ground) I may quit for good.


This made me chuckle :joy:


Lots of people did because it was so expensive.

I found BC pretty cool but Wrath zones boring and dull outside of Grizzly Hills.

I’m not sure what you mean here.

I don’t feel gaslit. And they added a much more immersive experience that some of us literally asked them for.

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First part of my response to this; OP, I need to rib on you just a little bit. I used to play Sim City quite a bit a few years ago. In that game, if you let property values go down in certain areas, resident Sims will have an emote “mad because of low property values”. So you fix it by putting down something that increases the property value in the area, and then the Sim will have an emote “still mad we had low property values”. So in this case, yes, Blizzard did, in fact, create the whole flying issue, but to their credit, come DF, they significantly reduced the requirements. Which brings us to this conversation, OP, I’m mentally picturing an emote over your head that says “still mad we had low property values”.

But moving on;

This seems to be a long running symptom of what I like to call “California logic”. Meaning that it seems to be the culture in that area to artificially create issues, then drag the proverbial feet, as you more or less put it, then finally offer a fix, the value of that fix having varied mileage.

Whenever topics like this come up, I can’t help but picture Ion and Joe Dirt having a conversation regarding a failing fireworks stand, but it’s Ion that professes that snakes and sparklers are the only thing he likes, while Joe, representing the player base, tries to tell him that there is far more to fireworks than snakes and sparklers. Except in this case, rather than listen to Joe, as Kicking Wing did in that movie, Ion doubles down on the snakes and sparklers and condescendingly tells Joe that he doesn’t know what he wants.

It’s been apparent for a very long time that, regarding many aspects of this game, not just flying, snakes and sparklers are the only things Ion and his crew likes, and it’s only when enough “Joes” get loud enough in their assertions to go elsewhere that they begrudgingly accept that there should be more in the inventory than just snakes and sparklers. Which circles us back around to that “California logic”; create issues to hopefully gaslight enough “Joes” into agreeing that snakes and sparklers are where it’s at, deal with the backlash, then come out acting like they listened to Joe all along. It’s sad really, and until something drastic happens, such as Blizzard HQ moving the heck out of Anaheim, or a drastic change in who makes decisions at that company, sure we’ll get our M80’s and Whisker Do’s and Whisker Don’ts in some form or another, but those snakes and sparklers are always going to be on the top shelf.


is funny because is true

Ion Has-He-Cost-Us


For real, he is the worst thing to ever happen to wow and the only dev left that needs removed. He looked like he was about to die saying we’d get normal flying at max level next xpack.


This is making my eye twitch. It’s “Vendor” not “Vender”


No such system has ever existed in this game.

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Outside of people wishing it costed less gold there was no real issue or debate about flying.

No one was like? wow yall can you remove flying and make me work for it over 6months to a year before getting it and then I have to play in a flightless zone for the next 6months to a year?


They didn’t remove anything… jeez. You just couldn’t fly in the new zones at first, nothing was taken away.

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Some of you seriously need some therapy to address whatever this fiction is that you apparently live in.


You have a short memory.


No they REMOVED flying, there was no announcement for pathfinder until after the player base tanked.


Since when? You could still fly in the old zones, just not the new ones at first? Why are we whining about something that happened like nine years ago…

No one has been ‘gaslit’. This word doesn’t seem to mean what you think it does, though it wouldn’t be the first term to lose all meaning on GD.

Nothing was taken away. You could still fly every where you had previously earned it.

They had been planning on providing a different method for earning non dynamic flight. It just took to the end of WoD for that achievement to become a reality. Furthermore, a lot of people had an issue with flight, not just from a pvp perspective.

Lastly, Ion wasn’t game director when the decision to use pathfinder was made. Pathfinder was and still is a better way to earn flight through playing the game versus going to a vendor and clicking a button.

The quarterly to which a sub lose was reported happened a month after Ions interview. That was much too soon for anything to be seen in any report.


The concept for earning flight through achievement was being planned.

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well, that aint gonna happen. lol
on either point.

Just like if I took your car keys for 6 months you’d happily just get on the bus. You still have your car, no problem right boot licking intensifies