Velves & After life

Are we doomed to be in the Maw due to being fused with the void?

How are we any different than the Undead?

Currently, everyone is going to the Maw because “the mechanism of death is broken”.

However, assuming we inevitably fix that in Shadowlands, then I see no reason why Void Elves would be automatically condemned to the Maw. Then again, we know very little about “the mechanism of death”, so I’m doing a lot of extrapolating.

I also don’t see why undead are condemned to damnation under these new rules. If there is this “Arbiter” deciding exactly where souls should go, why send people who died valiantly to be tormented forever, just because they were resurrected against their will? After all, “the Maw” (which could be different from the “damnation” fate spoke of by death knights/undead) is suppose to be for the worst of the worst, not the unfortunate.


That’s precisely why it makes no sense to me, even being condemned without faulty of doing “bad” things.

I see void elves just as regular elves, changed by the “power” of some other force, it might have changed their body and dna to some degree, but i imagine the “spirit” is the same as it was before.


I agree,

Otherwise if that were the case that we’re automatically condemned like the undead then honestly the Arbiter is a ???

There’s no proof that all undead are condemned to the Maw. People only assume that because of Sylvanas, who can have other reasons for being there.


The undead are not condemned to the Maw. There are Forsaken souls even in Bastion.


So far there are two reasons for being in the Maw: being sent there by Sylvanas and the Jailer, and for being a threat to the Shadowlands.

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ALL elves are condemned to The Maw, or at least they should be. hatehatehate!


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If the Void Elves in the island expeditions are an example of Blizzard’s thoughts about Void Elf deaths then they seem to end up being taken by the void instead of going to the Shadowlands.

Which could mean nothing since, you know, island expeditions but it’s Blizzard so…

Three reasons. Arbiter also sends souls there that are irredeemable.

Torghast is specifically the section of the Maw that is for souls that are a threat to the Shadowlands.

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The void or light arent good or evil

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Apparently the Prideful are sent to Revendreth because if they aren’t drained of Pride they’d get sent to the Maw.

Those who turn as evil as Kael’thas, WotLK Sylvanas and Arthas not out of Pride(like Kael’thas) but out of Pragmatism(like Sylvanas ) or Desperation(Arthas) go to the Maw.

Kael’thas in his Pride joined the Omnicidal Burning Legion, attempted Genocide on the Draenei for denying him the Exodar, razed the Kirin Var Village out of spite, drained an innocent girl to create a portal for Kil’jaeden and betrayed his ally Illidan.

Sylvanas backstabbed her allies and tested her weapon on Prisoners while having Varimathras create new Forsaken.

Arthas while he had his Soul(the only time the Soul could be held accountable for his crimes) purged Stratholme to the point where the survivors piled the bodies on bonfires and betrayed the mercenaries who fought for him.

Torghast is where threats to the Shadowlands are imprisoned and where all normal Souls currently are getting eaten by the Jailer and Sylvanas.

Kael’thas despite being the worst of the 3 Souls was fueled by Pride which the Arbiter deemed salvageable unlike the other 2 who were lesser in Sin but were influenced by Pragmatism and Desperation which the Arbiter deemed unsalvageable.

The fact that the Arbiter had the Kyrian remove precious memories as unnecessary trash tells you all you need to know about what she deems salvageable and unsalvageable.

Wait what!?

The Arbiter actually does that? Remove memories of your life before death? That really doesn’t sound good at all…

I don’t believe it’s the Arbiter itself that does that. I think it’s a trial you undergo to become Kyrian in Bastion.


The fact that the Arbiter’s main uses for Souls are either as fuel for weaponry, as Generals or to be purged of memories by Kyrians to make them into Valkyr on top of allowing Soul Traders to exist shows that she probably doesn’t look at Souls as anything but assets and(for the bad ones) liabilities.

It isn’t just about being good or evil. It is about if the soul is a potential threat. For example, a soul that hasn’t done anything evil but is saturated in Void energy could be potentially exploited by the Void to gain a foothold in the Shadowlands if it desired to make an incursion.

That doesn’t mean Void Elves face such a threat, just that good or evil doesn’t necessarily matter. Frankly, Void Elves seem to get off pretty much scott free. They make the Void seem pretty weak as a danger frankly. God knows why the Locus Walker had so much trouble finding students who could handle it since pretty much every Void Elf Alleria teaches can handle it just fine. Demon Hunters and Death Knights struggle more than Void Elves do. I guess the Locus Walker is just a bad teacher and Alleria just turned out to be a natural.

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That’s just so much headcanon in one paragraph, jesus…

That’s actually an interesting question. But people are really quick to judge places on appearances, the Maw is not WoW’s equivalent to Hell per se. It’s more of a ‘‘dangerous threat to the Shadowlands’’ or ‘‘Irredeemable souls’’.

As for the Void Elves we don’t know what the repercussions of being infused with the Void are when it comes to the soul.

One interaction we have about the Void and souls is a Quest ‘‘Echoes of the Past’’. Pretty much says that a soul consumed by the Void only leaves an echo behind. Mind you that’s when it consumes it. I dunno if Void Elves count under that regard. If not, then by all means they would probably go to any of the countless Shadowlands realms.

Void =/= Evil, or makes you irredeemable



It’s too early for baseless headcanons, Yvenathilm.