Velfs got their black and white

I’ll take delusions of grandeur for 1000 Alex


I did. I’m woke.

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And again… some studying scholars doesn’t make Helfs Velfs.

That… is so wrong it’s not even funny.

Keep reaching, though. I already know a boatload of guilds who aren’t letting in Velfs that look like or act like Helfs. Y’all created a terrible reputation for yourselves.


If you followed alleria’s story and compare it to the playable VE story, you will notice they are 2 separate things entirely. Alleria is not the playable VE, the playable VE are forcefully mutated elves.

No it is not. It actually goes against your arguement.

We playing the same game? It isn’t that easy.

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Not interest in any guilds that discriminate on people by how their characters looks. That is just dumb on so many levels.

At this point the whole high/blood/void monickers feel more political rather then an actual racial divide.


That was the danger of adding HE customization to VE, it belittled the void impact on the race.


This was always the case with the pandaren. It doesnt make them less of a race(now if only Blizzard more lore but I digress)

Again that is the proof there are more then one way to create void elves.

Learning about the void and using its magic is relatively easy(as oppose to say arcane which takes years to study). Controlling it is another matter entirely.


I’m with the other as well. Please don’t play the table scraps card. If BfA has shown one thing then how helpless the Alliance community is. Outnumbered in every content.


It’s the magic that whispers how do it all in your ear. Problem is that since the void knows all, and sees all, that information is violently chaotic and you gotta learn to parse what is ‘pancake recipe that involves murdering your family for syrup’ and ‘How to make a void portal’

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Yes, we can. Experimentation in the Void does not always lead to a permanent change in hair/skin pigmentation.

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It’s their perogative to stick to lore.

And there’s your problem. Because it’s not.

I mean, why not just make them void versions of Belf racials? At this point anything but casters get nothing really from the main velf racial…and that small blink is crap

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What political party are void elves? Last I checked Azeroth didn’t have elections either…

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I suppose they were the kind of people who told you if you rolled a human you had to be from Stormwind and couldn’t rp that you were born from any other nation? :roll_eyes: Again no thanks. Don’t feel like associating with such people.

It is. At this point Alleria still considers the blood elves “her people” just as much as she considers the void elves and I doubt she care one bit her sister Vereesa still considers herself a high elves. To someone like say Alleria they are family/former friends she wants back on the side of the Alliance.

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While I will wear blonde, I’m happy my brothers and sisters will get their darker tones.


My holy priest and Mistweaver Monk are doing 1,5-2% more healing in raids . With the racial . No pushbacks … while casting… and a the Rift is helping a lot for my holy priest to move .

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Yay! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

They just want to pigeon hole us by their narrow definition of the race. Good thing blizz doesn’t listen to them. :rofl:


Oh my goodness, go away with this attitude. Everyone has a right to complain. I disagree with people here and still think they have a right to complain.


Yeah, should be the old arcane torrent that aoe silences everyone and returns mana. But that would make players move to velf and alliance so that would be unacceptable to Ion.

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Dude, bruh, that proof your claiming goes against your own arguement. The way alleria and the pc gets their void powers is like apples and oranges. Please relook into the lore.