Vek'nilash Alliance Reconnections

Hi birdie!

Name: Wrecker
Class: Paladin
Race: Human

Guilds: LXIX, Notorious, Ascension

looking for:
Icers: my troll shammy buddy
Aoe: Mr warrior Himself
Correa: IDK why i hated him
Ma (n) gina: only female dorf
Prez and sushi <3

Hi Wrecker! Its Janearcadia! I think we talked occasionally, but I also remember seeing you around a lot! Its nice to see ya!

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Name: Softshock
Class: Shaman
Race: Drenai

your name sounds familiar what guild …do u rember

forgot… btag



Wrecker… well, that’s a name I haven’t seen in awhile.

Undead mage

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Who are you asking? You need to hit reply on the post :wink:

Name: Peacenik
Class: Mage
Race: Gnome
Guild: Ascension

I also played a shadow priest in TBC named Cooey in the guild Second Impact.

Nice to see a lot of old names from Ascension. Definitely had some great times!

Sup bro, I’m here. Remade my Magina on Atiesh.

Hey Peacenik! It’s Magina.

I definitely look back on the times in Ascension fondly, too bad the guild fell apart at the end of vanilla.

I always wonder wtf happened to Wowa.

Name: Xboxfreakneo
Class: Priest
Race: Night Elf
Guild: Path of Honor

Battletag: xboxfreakneo#1564

Prez?!? Wasn’t that a tauren warrior? I remember my face being smashed several times by him on WSG. He was scary…

honestly, i am hoping to find daris and sind.

name: merris
class: paladin

good luck to everyone trying to find their old friends!

Mag, come play on deviant delight horde side.

Name: Kristoff
Class: Priest
Race: Night Elf

Just popping in to see if Postmaster, Lornel, Halon, Tallha, Nimi, Mea or anyone else is still kickin.

Kristoff! Hi!

That name is super familiar. Did I know you under a different main name?

Character name : Azidburn
Race : Night Elf
Class : Druid (healer)
Guild : Enigma

This game was only as fun as it was because of the people I met in Enigma - hope you folks are still around and having fun. Would love to reconnect with any of that group in a classic setting again.

Nope, this was my main in vanilla. In BC i went horde on a toon named Meriel