Nationalist sent you friend request in Discord. The wife (Eiliera) and I will probably play on Pagle so far. I keep in somewhat touch with Arlee, last I talked with her, she didn’t really plan to play classic. I should get to meet her at Blizzcon this year.
I was in Obsidian Hammer name was Lukie,and Lukiedan!!
Hey Lukie, I remember all of you guys! Any plans for classic? I’m torn between two servers right now. I think Janearcadia up above was also in OH for quite a while. I remember doing MC with her.
Night elf warrior : SINNAH
human pally: Hittheskins
Guild : Indecisive
i only remember three guildies names
Helloo Rhorior,
Legends Guild is rolling on a PVE EST server for classic.
Most likely on Westfall.
If you are looking to play with us again
Hit us up in discord
or myself
Characters: Suras / Turah
Classes: mage / paladin
Alliances: dont remember
Probably more remembered more during BC than vanilla.
I feel like i raided with you as xango in TBC / Wrath. I would have been Suras (mage), Turah (paladin) or kirette (DK).
I don’t recall at what point i was in TF, but most of those names are familiar to me.
Hey, Laine.
Name: Sarcyn
Class: Rogue
Race: Human
Ascension was some good times! I still have some old screenshots.
Name: Zelgadis - NE Druid
Guild: Weetbix kids
looking to find old guild members.
We transferred the guild to an Oceanic server (Dath’Remar)
Name: Imcocoloco
Class: Paladin
Race: Human
Guilds: Induring Solidarity, Cat Box, Death Upon You, some other ones
Character: Platznum
Class: Mage
=) ayyyyyyyyy
Bos! Where we landing??
Hey Shryken, Thanks for saying Hi! Its great your still playing. Im still on vek, alliance.
Hey, yes i remember you on Suras in TBC, in wrath I switched to DK , Hellspwn.
Hey girls, Need I say more?
Dwarf Hunter
I don’t remember any of the guild names from back then.
Name: Azshrond
Class: Night Elf Warrior
Guild: Templar Fidelis
Hey everyone, I actually leveled up with Adorail. This is Azshrond and I was a Night Elf Warrior. We (new friends) are staying in Alliance and starting on the new Westfall server if anyone is interested. My character will now be named FroggDogg. Hope to see you in game. Good luck.
Name: Squeeks
Class: Warrior
Race: Human (F)
Name: Vipper
Class: Priest
Race: Draenei (F) [yes this was BC]
Guild: Inertia, Vested
I’m looking for a certain old friend of mine, she was a middle-aged housewife who played a Night Elf druid… had a son that played with us too, I have many great memories and I’d like to reconnect. I was just a teenager back then.
Hey there !
Played nelf fury warrior back in the day
Onali. Was with Enigma into woltk. Familiar name. Will be hitting you guys up horde side !
oh lawdy