Agree but I could just knock out 4 instead and have another 30 mins+ per toon. It’s a dumb change. Not world ending but certainly dumb.
You sound like you think you are being paid by the post. The idea that obsessing on an unpopular pro-Blizzard opinion will result in a mass personality change by players who disagree with you would in itself suggest you are out of touch with reality. Again, the idea that “If I repeated it 10x and it didn’t convince everyone, then surely repeating it 100x more will convince millions” is a non reality based concept.
This is supposed to be an entertainment product. I guess you disagree. You see it as a therapeutic modality to realign perception of reality for people who (unreasonably, in your opinion) think that when they buy an entertainment product it should be entertaining.
Over the course of the week, for the reset, does this really amount to that much though?
Wait what? Garbage tier trinkets and hero track from vaults with little crest acquisition lol. You sure got us there.
It would amount to another 2 hours at the minimum on my end. As I said, not the end of the world but certainly notable enough for me to settle for a single vault reward from delves from here on out.
I don’t presume how many toons people play. But the idea that 10 extra hours a week should be trivial for other people is odd.
It’s obvious you loathe delves. Why don’t we start talking about some changes to M+.
Does anyone have any stellar changes we need to make to M+?
If they’re ones that’ll piss off Griz here, bonus points.
Keep depletion but don’t give any loot for untimed keys.
Deserter debuff for leaving keys.
Death counter instead of timer.
I think I covered most of them.
I mean if it sounds awful that seems like you never liked them in the first place.
You don’t need to do 12 immediately the moment a reset happens.
As for Gilded losing value… Uhh no. Dunno about you but I look forward to having a consistent way with upgrading past Runed
Perhaps but on the flipside I get a map from the extra runs I’m not saying no to an extra hero piece.
Great start! thank you any others?
What really grinds your gears about M+?
Honestly I like M+ and want none of those things I mentioned to happen.
But I’m sure they’d irk him as much as me.
Choose what type of endgame content you participate in if this change sticks around. I can sorta see why they made this change, but… eh, that’s largely because I think “Have you gotten your 8 done” is a stupid mentality.
Doing 3-6 world events when that’s your endgame over the course of an entire week, that’s more than reasonable. Doing 12 of 'em seems… eh, that they don’t want people to just be doing open world stuff. If you are maximizing your vault to that degree, if you are running Delves, you are likely in a position where you could and probably should participate in other forms of content as well.
So that’s likely their justification for the change, regardless of whether that’s a good change or not - it does serve some logical purpose. But like I said, I don’t “do my 8’a’week” so for me… folks doing 12 Delves’a’week seem silly, even if I could certainly see folks doing 6’a’week. Were one to include the world quest portion to this then the entire change is fine and potentially warranted, or may not be warranted at all.
All I’m saying is that there is a logic to it, now whether that’s a logic people are willing to engage with or not that’s to be seen. But my guess is likely not.
Wrong. You know nothing about what I get out of my game time. I love delves but not going to grind them all day on numerous alts.
The logic is that they want more delves run in S2 without doing much to change anything about them. I won’t engage with it. I will probably just do 3 now instead of the 4 I was doing per toon in S1 especially as the base rewards for bountifuls are unlikely to be huge upgrades so it’s possible that I won’t even be interested in collecting 4 keys weekly.
Doing 12 delves isn’t grinding all day… Especially when you got 7 days in a week to do them…
People are surprised easy content has its requirements raised to be more in line with other rewards?
You don’t say
Honestly I would be ok with this if they also increase rewards for tier 9 and up because why would you do those if you get max rewards from 8’s
Some weeks I am lucky to get two or four delves in.
On good weeks I can get an alt one vault slot
So this change would mean that some weeks i shouldn’t even bother with delves at all.
Not a change I agree with, less incentive to play.
Why would they? T8 was over rewarding as it is.
People are upset they have to do 4 more delves for the week.
Like… Lol.