Vault Tokens to Upgrade Hero to Myth Track Gear

What do you all think about adding an option to upgrade a Hero Track item to Myth Track (1/6) using the Tokens you get from the vault? Currently, it takes 6 Tokens to add a Gem Socket to your gear. Instead of—or in addition to—that, what if Blizzard introduced another item you could purchase for, say, 18 Tokens (the equivalent of 3 weeks of completing 8/8 M+ vaults)? This item would allow you to upgrade a Hero Track item to Myth Track.

This system could help address situations where players are stuck with low item-level Best-in-Slot (BiS) trinkets or other gear pieces they’ve been unable to replace. It would add more flexibility and value to the vault rewards system while giving players another way to target upgrades for their ideal gear setups.

EDIT: For those of you acting like im complaining about not being able to do hard content, that is not what im talking about. Im 3015 io and Mythic raiding and have yet to get 639 trinkets from vault. Its not about getting free gear its about wanting to play with the best gear when youve been putting in the time and doing the hard content and still not getting it from vault BC RNG!


It would encourage degenerate gameplay.

The optimal progression path for a trinket from the raid for example would involve farming the boss on every single difficulty to get a drop no matter the track it’s on, so that you can upgrade it via a token.

It’s simple - for higher track gear, you need to do higher difficulty content.

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So basically giving out mythic gear for people incapable of doing challenging content.

I never grow tired of the unique ways people explain the exact same thing on these forums.

“I want the best gear in the game for doing LFD and LFR and anything less proves WoW is a terrible game” threads are awesome.

i think itd lead to such gear inflation that you’d no longer be able to do any content that gives upgrades ever.

So to touch on your “It’s simple - for higher track gear, you need to do higher difficulty content.”

Ive been doing +10 and higher since week one TWW, im currenty 3015 io on pally and 2912 on rsham and 2600+ on few other toons. Ive yet to get Myth track trinkets on my Ret pally. They are bis trinkets but not 639 ilvl. Im doing the hardest content and still cant get BiS ilvl trinks from vault. Thats my issue. Ive taken Tokens for 14 of the 18 weeks of s1 so far


I think it is a good idea cause I’m stuck in the similar situation of Trinkets being a pain in the behind to get from Vault that isn’t Meledar’s toll which is a terrible trinket.

I would put in a stipulation though that it had to be a Hero Track piece, but also have one that takes 3 weeks of tokens as well for Champ to Hero so it’s a 6 week sink so it won’t be abused to get all pieces of gear to Myth track. That way you’d be doing it to at most probably 3 pieces over the entire season. It forces a choice of a gear piece I need from the vault or take tokens in hope that piecees that I do need drop.

The alternative that would be better is giving us the Dinar system half way through a season so we can get those last missing pieces and have them start at Vet ilvl but fully upgradeable to Myth ilvl at the same cost that it would take items of those tracks.

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This sounds preferable to me. It’s already tricky sometimes to decide if sockets or a sidegrade are the best choice. I think adding a third option could make that choice even harder, so I’d rather the option came from a separate currency like Dinars.

No. Make it 6 tokens, not 18. Let people gear fast so we can play alts or other games. Gating everything even for 1 toon sucks.

No, he’s already doing mythic level content.

The chances of getting the 1 good trinket from M+ in your great vault are very low. Less than 40% chance you’ll get any given piece after 14 weeks. Being able to upgrade a heroic piece that you farmed from a particular dungeon is just bad luck protection, not “free gear”.

Well upgrading heroic loot to mythic loot would defeat the point of having to do the harder content to get it…so…

Not if the upgrade tokens only came from doing the harder content.

E.G your myth track vault slots would give you an option: Take the mythic track piece offered, or take a currency that would be worth 1/3 of a mythic upgrade token.

Thank you for clarifying!

The only thing with this is “Mythic” isn’t really one difficulty it’s more like 3 difficulties in a trenchcoat. You should also need the mythic achi from X boss to upgrade heroic loot from that boss to mythic.

That’s fair. I’m mostly thinking about M+ trinkets which are always an absolute lottery to get on myth track.

I still dinars are absolute necessary if they are going to continue to put OP trinkets like Spymaster’s in the game. Not fun being 5% below everyone else because you got unlucky with loot. And those dinars need to come before week 16 of the patch, lol.

Yeah that’d be absolutely fine.

Honestly, why? I believe this kind of thinking is what is hurting the game as much as any other decisions they could be making.

I don’t think it’s fair to restrict gear so heavily, especially when the players who need it most to get over difficulty humps and mechanical deficiencies are the ones least served by the gearing system.

Meanwhile the players whose only need for such things is to maintain parity with each other, are the ones who least need it. I accept that they are deserving of compensation and recognition for their achievements, but not at the expense of others in this manner.

This system just makes the rich richer and keep the poor at arms length.

I don’t think that encourages anything healthy within the community, and if mythic raiding needs this kind of crutch to draw participants, then I think it needs to take a hard look at itself.

Because killing a boss getting the cool drop and nobody needing it cuz everyone just bought it is stupid. Getting rewards from things you haven’t done just doesn’t sit with me.

Honestly it might just be time for getting rid of loot from bosses.

I suppose that’s valid, but if it’s that important to everyone, but that difficult to get then honestly how good is that loot system?

That’s sounds as bad as any gatcha reward or toxic loot box system. A prestige item, that is so hard to get that only a handful can get it, but so irrelevant at that point that it’s impact is limited or short-lived, doesn’t seem like a source of positive interaction.

I’m leaning in this direction myself. Perhaps they should cap loot at heroic and make mythic drop heroic pieces at a higher rate, or with more emphasis on weapons, trinkets and tier. Haven’t thought it through, so it could be a terrible idea.

I think I’d just get rid of gear altogether. Customize your stats still but no more items.

Gear only seems to serve 2 purposes. Push people to do content they don’t enjoy, or create bitterness between people who want things other people have.

Just do away with it all.


The players who “need” mythic gear are the ones actually doing mythic raids or similarly difficult keys. If someone thinks they need mythic gear to do heroic they would benefit far more from fixing their play errors than they would from a few more ilvls.

I’m sorry, but I find this rankling. Someone expending effort to get something that is available for anyone who expends similar effort is getting it at no one’s expense. There’s a limitless amount of mythic tier gear in the game for anyone that puts in the time and energy to get it. No one is disadvantaged when other people achieve at a higher level.

I would love this. I care zero about gear rewards beyond what I need to get through the next boss. If we could just raid without a gear grind I’d be thrilled.
I’m not sure the game would survive losing all of the people who seem to only be interested in watching their ilvl go up, but I would absolutely love this type of gameplay.