Vault Tokens to Upgrade Hero to Myth Track Gear

It takes someone below you to feel superior. It’s an immutable fact that you cannot separate from the system.

There are no haves, without have nots.

I am simply the kind of person who doesn’t need to see someone go without just so I can feel like I’m a “real” raider or M+ player.

Extra effort should certainly be rewarded, but I don’t believe in a system that prohibits players from getting their full dopamine hit just so a small fraction of said community can feel like special boys and girls.

You may not like it, but I say, if you can’t be happy within yourself about your accomplishments, you’ve got a lot of evolving to do. Just my personal philosophy.

I support your choice to feel otherwise.

Not at all. I would be thrilled if the entire playerbase stepped up and earned mythic loot. I would have zero problem with having the lowest ilvl in the game.

I just object to people expecting to receive things they aren’t willing to earn.

Again, nothing to do with me or my accomplishments, which are modest at best. I play the whole game inside the boundaries of my own personal aspirations. My personal philosophy is people should be willing to work for what they want.

I don’t think anyone is suggesting that they want it for free, only that they want to earn it without experiencing shell shock from the massive difficulty jumps.

We’ve been over this ground already. The chasm between what you think people should do, and what they’re willing to do is a precarious game of tempt fate.

I’m of the opinion it’s better to over-reward than drive away players because they lose interest.

I’d much rather someone left the game saying they had fun, but it was a bit too easy, then leaving despondent because they got their butts handed to them just trying to get an upgrade. I accept that might the opposite of what’s best, but I tend to think positive interactions go a lot further.

Which is why the natural end result of that is just removing gear.

Which is also a difficult balance to find because if it’s too easy it’s not fun. And longer farm periods isn’t much fun either.

Definitely agree. It’s easy to be critical, but I’m sure it’s a very difficult task.

This isn’t a flea market and haggling isn’t part of the equation. There are clearly communicated levels of difficulty required for different types of rewards. People should expect to get appropriately rewarded for the level of difficulty they choose to play. If you want Mythic tier loot, raid Mythic or do keys at 10+ for the vault. If you don’t want to do that content, then accept that Heroic tier is your cap. If you want Mythic tier loot and you don’t want to do that content, then you have to do what adult people do in every phase of life when confronted with two mutually exclusive desires; decide which you want more.

And again, this has nothing to do with hierarchy. I think the game would be a much better place if everyone who wanted Mythic tier loot invested the time and energy to get it.

It really isn’t. The bar is set. Reach the bar or don’t. Blizzard has actual data for engagement, and is constantly using that to inform decisions about game design. If that means the bar is lowered next season, fine. If that means it’s raised the season after fine. I’m a fan of practical solutions. Complaining doesn’t effect change, so it’s basically useless, especially when there are actual things within each player’s agency to get what they want. If there is something you can do to get the outcome you want, and you instead choose to complain about it, I have basically zero sympathy.

This already happens with 90% of loot drops after week 4. Nobody needs anything except weapons and trinkets.

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Honestly, didn’t even consider this. Almost every boss kill from this tier has been a dud for me. I maybe received 10 useful pieces from over 102 kills between mythic and heroic. A 90% failure rate for rewards is pretty pathetic.

I got several key pieces from the mythic dungeon weekly were I brute forced a handful of 2s for an heroic piece and I’m currently getting an heroic piece from doing 20 minutes of timewalking, but nobody from the heroic community is up in arms because my scrubby mage is getting geared by following some level 11 holy priest through BRH. Presumably because none of them are deriving their self worth from their gear and don’t feel threatened or inadequate because casual Joe might get rewarded.

Despite my different opinion on the subject, I still respect your right to feel things are as you wish them to be. I’m just one person voicing an opinion around which I see a lot of dissatisfaction.

My first response should have been: “You guys are getting trinkets?”

I believe we saw our first Spymaster’s from raid only a short while ago. Boss loot hasn’t be particularly impressive and much of my gear has come from the vault.

I feel like this is mostly due to how painfully boring and bland every other armor piece is.

This soulless bland template of stam, primary stat, and 2 of 4 secondaries.

Same exact item can be good for a tank, melee, archer, healer, and caster.

It’s just so boring and bland and awful.