Varian Wrynn

Once again. :small action as a teenager that is a common spell in the world tons of priest use.

being mind controlled and forced to fight your friends as you can’t do anything about it and getting used a sock poppet for weeks.

The ONLY reason you think these are anywhere near the same level is b/c you already dislike him. And you don’t NEED a reason to dislike a character so it’s better to not exaggerate under the ideal you need to fill in that gap.

You can simply say "I don’t like him or how he acts’’

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I think we don’t know. Only Blizz can say it to us.

His soul is inside shalamayne.

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Garrosh, Varian, and Arthas are no more!
Illidan, Malfurion, and Sylvannus are on ice!

Gul’Dan is the actual smartest villain of WoW.

He noticed that the good guys inexplicably keep resurrecting so he just atomized this loser’s body so he can’t come back. Good move.

Well either that or it will turn you into a demon binding you to the twisting nether.

They imply Shadowlands is not the only realm for those who died. Especially heroes. I doubt the fel could corrupt Varian and that his soul therefore survived but not his flesh. Varian would never yield and he still had the blessing of Champion given to him by Goldrinn. Perhaps Goldrinn knows where his charge is and we will find out later. After all we need to get someone strong enough to slap that weepy son of Varian’s into shape and make him start acting like a King. Cannot believe the new version of him is still a misty eyed wimp. Fail yet again Blizzard. Kindly rewrite any stupid story at this stage involving yet another melodramatic rescue of wimpy boy as the whole saga of poor lost Anduin is ridiculous and reminds me of that dumb ogre Corki in Nagrand we had to keep finding. If it IS part of the next expansion I would be inclined to simply let him stay lost and hope something bad happens to him ie writes him off for good. You have time to rewrite this guys…

He and Saurfang showed up to console Anduin in SL, so he’s not gone.