Vanilla wyverns and gryphons never getting replaced

In the 15 years I’ve played WoW, I’ve seen pretty much EVERY model get replaced with a better version. But our ugly wyverns have yet to get replaced unless you want to shell out cash. The same for our bear mounts. This isn’t the mark of a company that values customer loyalty. It just makes me wonder why I support a company that obviously only cares about milking their customers for all they can.

Then what is this?


They both had cool model updates in MoP.

Beat me to it.


He’s a troll.


I hope you’re right because I’m worried.

At first I worried the Alabaster ones were just recolours of the pandaria ones. But they are their own thing.

I’m aware of this mount. A rep grind mount is not the same as the crappy mount models we still have from vanilla… Reading comprehension FTW

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They almost never update existing mount models, they just put in new mounts with new models.



I don’t want them to re-do the old mount models. I want to have some of the OG things left in the game. Not every thing needs to be re-tooled, re-worked and re-done.

It’s fine the way that it is.


And this, OP, is why they added the ‘rep grind’ version to the game instead of replacing. You can thank the paladin.

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Tovi beat me to this one. But the ones on the store are also not updated versions, they’re different varieties if you want to be as pedantic as you’re being.

This response doesn’t even make sense. People want more content to be obtainable in game. That is the updated model. They might update all of the older stuff eventually, who knows, but you should request it instead of being snide.



Is it because you have to work to get the updated model? Some people still like the older models. They should stay for those who do.


“TO THE SKIES! “wyvern screech””


I can’t think of a single mount that has had its skin changed/updated.

If anything they add another similar mount. First one that springs to mind is fiery Warhorse and Midnight. Two variants of the same horse.

It isn’t that Blizzard doesn’t want to update them, it is that some people want the old ones left alone.

Tallstriders got updated and replaced. Both NPCs and the mounts. The old models do not exist anymore (thank God.)

They did? I hadn’t noticed, but then again I only got them for the collection. 97% of my guys looked silly on them.

Very few have been replaced. There are newer, additional models, though.

And Mists updated gryphons.

I’m all for adding new versions. I am very much against replacing models.


I want my mounts to look like the mounts I collected. Involuntarily taking away one version of a product and substituting an allegedly “better” version does not constitute valuing customer loyalty; it’s more like abuse of it. And Blizzard is already pretty good at taking away things we don’t want them to.

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Well… I love what they did to my ZA Bear and Swift Shorestrider. I appreciated the upgrade :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Eh I don’t like the grand wyvern as much. The original wyvern looks cool but kinda cute. The grand wyvern has huge sabers and horns and it looks overdone and not as graceful.

Hopefully we’ll get recolors of the alabaster mounts.