Vanilla PvP honor system update

Just like all pve related content, the people who put in the most effort win the pvp content.

You think this only applies to wow?

The pvp scene isn’t “dying” there are regularly almost 10 wsgs up on era every day. What is “dying” to you?

I was like everyone else when I logged in my first server, a pserver, and pvped a lot and didn’t really know what was going on or any strats

I played more and got into groups with competitive people and learned strats I had no idea about and meta positioning etc

As more servers launched I saw the same people in BGs. Adapting to strats taught to me and also stuff I read and watched vids etc.

Fast forward to classic wow and som and I’m still playing with people from years ago. People will get rolled by a team with years of experience and calibration and start whining and flaming and saying it isn’t fair.

It’s on you to get better. You’re in a pug and get smacked, “how can I learn if I get rolled?”

Same way I did. Sucking it up

There are a lot of guides and good videos explaining in depth information for BG strats and positioning for every class. Simplified and really understandable I can give you if you care

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The only concern I have is if it becomes soloQ Rated BGs the toxicity will go through the roof (which is apparently what happened for retail’s soloQ). I already receive hate whispers for all kinds of things. Not healing someone when I’m OOM, CC’d or dead. Not buffing when I join a game that starts as soon I zone in. Not mind visioning the EFC when /target ‘efc’s name’ is out of range. I’m usually the only priest on my team, wonder why…


Not playing a server with solo q

What many also don’t resize about the vanilla system that no other system offers is that in vanilla when you pug vs Great teams or premade vs Great teams… If you keep your eyes open you can learn new things. I know I have learned a few handy tricks.

May not have been completely clear with that, so let me further illuminate. When in a rated system new players aren’t exposed to Good / Great play, and so their ability to grow is actually held back.

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This is a good point

I will say I prefer rated PVP but that has another set of issues too.

Vanilla PVP is mostly gear based and I don’t think that should change. So R14 really just means a player got into the system on their faction and made max contribution until it was their turn; but that is in itself quite an achievement…

I’m not sure what can be done with Classic PVP that wouldn’t be worse than the current system. Blizzard would have to introduce T3 iLevel resilience gear that isn’t super hard to get over a few months to make PVP “fair”, but as it always has raiders will have the advantage of BiS items.


No reason not to have premades larger than 5 vs other premades larger than 5 for increased rewards.

Have a “raid queue” for double honor and marks. “Non raid queue”’ for regular honor and marks.

Not only would it increase overall PVP participation (lots of people don’t bother playing because of premades), it might actually encourage more premades.

Harsher penalties for genuine deserters/queue-dropping (a brief grace period after selecting a queue can accommodate players that misclick the wrong BG), crackdown on false reporting, and patching abuseable terrain would all be improvements.

If the population is small enough, then it won’t matter. You’ll have the same people in every group.

However, when the population is larger, some sense of randomness is a good thing.

One thing that’s always perplexed me is why haven’t folks just jumped into the in-game voice chat? There’s no need to try to game the system. Those who’re interested in organizing inside the battleground can simply do so with the tools provided. You don’t need everyone to be in voice chat to improve the odds of success, either.

I disagree. Anyone who’s on a random group going up against a premade team is likely to have a bad time. Organized PvP should be its own thing.

Sounds like you need to join a PvP guild

Premades lose to pugs all the time tho

I have long championed for separate solo and group queues. Even so, if most premades were trade channel pugs in a discord or 2-6 guildmates/friends pvping for the heck of it I don’t think there would be as much of an outcry.

This is so true. I didn’t play Classic Era that hardcore, but I solo queued to rank 10, and by far (for me at least) the worst thing that I found in BGs was people who would give up and call for their team to as well.

“It’s a pre-made, just stop reviving.” Or “let them cap.”

Imo, that sort of behavior should result in BG bans. On the other hand, I’ve had games when a half decent flag carry or unexpected cap can result in boosting even those nay sayers’ morale and getting everyone back into the game.

It is an MMO make friends form a group and get good. Stop making excuses. Stop trying to turn this into retail single player game

What a long discussion about premades… when most premades rn are about “you dude u got a full blue pvp set? hop in!”
If they end premades and people keeps losing then everyone will be mad due gear gaps.

I mean if we going down this road then i demand a ilvl system too where i wont have to face people and their naxx/2.5 gear against my blue pvp+dg items set. I dont care if they are premading o not, i dont want to face them ever too. Once you queue with said gear you cant change the gear till you get out of the BG, done.
“oh im nxax geared” well guess you will need to wait 2 hours in the queue honey, because THIS IS FAIR LOL.

On a serious note I genuely think that aside the decay the current system is ok you dont have punish people that play with other people or just played the game for longer than you.

I am not spending gold in consumables and even i can take care of myself against people that vastly outgear me evne though the disavantage is crystal clear.

There isnt a pramater to quantify skill in classic era because its was not created with that concept in mind.
All of its systems are linked to time spent efficently plus RNG and nothing else.

It was created with the following concept: I will have The biggest sword, run around with the most amazing ornaments, with the most incredible potions just so i can utterly destroy everything. And honestly thats fine, its fun enough

But by no means it will ever be classified as a competitive game no matter how people sweaty hard on it.

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Why did blizzard host competitive tournaments then?

It isnt non competitive because “you think so”. Competition is made by the playerbase.

If you don’t want to spend money on consumables as you say, then fine. People who will, have an edge tho.

You aren’t really selling your product here, you sound like you’re just making up a bunch of excuses. People with gear get stomped on all the time by people with less

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In short: MMORPG PvP is a memesport.

video games have never been “Sports” so there is that.

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dude i hurt my finger bad playing pong back in the day
that was some real exertion boy i tell you what

also this sounds fun


only counts if you use the paddle

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