Vanilla m+

This is utter nonsense.

There is no reason mechanics can’t be taught in-game. A good 50% of WoW’s mechanics are already baked in: we know not to “stand in bad”, we know to avoid a dragon’s tail (most of them), etc.

But other things … can’t be taught in-game? The ONLY option is to “tab out and watch a video?”


To say nothing of the fact: I can watch a video, 10 videos, or 100 videos if you want me to. NOTHING is going to compare to simply DOING it even one time. You can’t have those mechanics on mobs in WQs, etc?


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And that’s why I don’t do it. Luckily there’s still a lot of things in this game I do find fun. Playing with a bunch of impatient randoms isn’t on that list lol

But only from experience. You wouldn’t know to not stand behind the dragons if you are new. Gotta get slapped first.

And the same is true for literally every other mechanic in game. And it is still how people learn the mechanics today. Eventually the knowledge of how a mechanic is done propagates throughout the community.

LFR is perfect for experiencing this effect first hand. The two first weeks are usually wipefests, but after that things tend to go more smoothly as most people become familiar with the bosses.

This is exactly the reason we have rotating dungeons every season now. So everyone starts from scratch.

You only have to watch a video if you are doing the content late. “Late” in this contex is of course relative to what level you are playing the game at. CE guilds often practise bosses/dungeons on the PTR. So for them the release date of a patch is already “late”. But for a LFR hero 2 months into the tier might still not be considered “late”.

Sure you could. But that wouldn’t necessarily teach you how said mechanic is done in a raid/dungeon. Because the context would be entirely different.

Why? They already revamped a lot of them. Tbh a lot are already set up for it.

Yes, we’re all new to everything at some point.

But that wasn’t what I was saying.

The point I made was that A LOT of things/mechanics in WoW are recurring. So … yes … the first time you see it, it’s new.

But after 19 years??? It’s established.