Vanilla m+

I’d love to see Vanilla m+.

Yes, the dungeons can be very dated. And yes, the mechanics are very simple by today’s standards.

But you know what it would still be a blast to see these older dungeons and if a few more players can push higher ilvl gear by pushing vanilla dungeons in m+ I am perfectly ok with that.

I’m already tired of them changing mechanics in my old dungeons to make them into M+. I don’t want Vanilla ones ruined, too.


M+ infinitely scales.

It doesn’t matter how easy ANYTHING is, eventually: you will either die, or face a health-pool you mathematically cannot overcome.

I wish the M+ community (at the SUPER high levels) would embrace this fact more.

We don’t need endlessly complex bosses AND trash. Keep it simple, and rely on scaling to take care of the rest.

I’m so effing tired of WoW becoming a JOB. Where I’m expected to RESEARCH and know this and that and the other for 30+ bosses and 60+ trash packs.

This is a game. Can’t I just log in and play?? Why is “learning from playing” such an anathema to this crowd?

Tab out and watch a video BEFORE YOU EVEN PLAY. Get bent.




I don’t want them changed unless they have to be.

I agree that modern dungeon’s mobs have ability bloat. There is such thing as too little but having a dungeon in the rotation that is simple wouldn’t be a bad thing.

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m+ already ruined retail. lets not ruin classic as well please and thank you. we are all over here enjoying wow as it was meant to be, without the abomination that is m+.

thank you, come again.

Didn’t ask for m+ to come to classic. I want classic dungeons for m+ on retail.

And m+ didn’t ruin wow. It’s my favorite part of wow.

For me m+ makes raiding more enjoyable.

In an infinitely scaling environment, this simply isn’t true.

EVENTUALLY, even the simplest thing, is going to 1-shot you. Where even the slightest AoE damage, will wipe an entire raid of 40.

Let us “poor, unfortunate slobs” in the 15-20 range just be allowed to HAVE FUN.

All the people with epeen issues that wanna flex about their +37s, etc … let scaling … do what it does.

it might not have for you and the few others that remain on this game. but speaking for myself and the 20-30 people that i was friends with since the games release and a few more i meet in bc and wrath it did. it burned them out. gearing is way to easy and the ilvl is way overly inflated for m+ vs the effort to attain it.

and for me and most of the current raid or die guild members it makes raiding more boring. we just do it now basically for the kills. there is no reward. we are walking in there on these bosses with an ilvl equal to what they drop. the fun is gone as are a massive chunk of the player base. and one can only think that this is a big reason for that.

but like all opinions you are entitled to your own. and it is good to see that someone is enjoying the free max ilvl gear that makes raiding feel worthless for little to no effort.

i mean i and players like me could probably be a little more accepting of m+ if it had its own gearing path so we would not be forced into it. and yes it is forced. when you are in a guild that mythic raids you are expected to come “prepared” and when there is a gearing path such as m+ where you just have to run the same dungeon 10-30-100+ times over and over to get that sweet bis weapon or trinket or w/e then you should, otherwise you will lose your spot and or hinder the raid progress. so anyway that is where i am coming from with m+ and why it is a plague and ruined the game.

I was originally going to disagree and say:

A dungeon that is a single boss with no abilities that just auto attacks you would be too simple but honestly that would be fun to push as high as I could.

But then I thought of a whole dungeon like that. Multiple bosses that just auto attack, lots of trash in-between that just auto attack and imo that would be boring and too simple.

But you will never get everyone to agree on what is too simple and when it becomes boring. But having 1 dungeon that leans into the simple isn’t a bad thing imo.

You’re being disingenuous to prove a point.

Auto-attacks, and “simple mechanics” are not the same thing. Cmon…

Your initial concern is valid (is it too easy?), but the immediate answer is enough to address that concern. Let scaling do its thing.

What? How? What point are you talking about?

That “vanilla mechanics” might be “too easy.”

That’s a valid point, it’s a good question to bring up. It’s just also immediately refuted.

But you then went from “is just ‘dodge the 5s cast spell’ too easy”, to “auto-attacks.” Auto-attacks aren’t “mechanics.”

You tried to compare “easy” to “nothing.” There’s no comparison there.

As a new m+‘er from season 1. I hit 2355 and was done. Season 2 is apparently really easy but the 5 +2s I did run felt really bad lol. Overall not a fan of m+ after my 1 season of pugging and going with the guild. It’s an adrenaline junkies thing and not for me. I like to relax playing games. Not feel like I’m playing a FPS.

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Mixed on it - some vanilla dungeons held up more to what is a story dungeon which in exploration was awesome.

I also think they did Atal’Dazar and Kings Rest incredibly well, especially how they tie them into the Horde storyline. So the evidence is there in making both a story and mechanics driven dungeon. So when it comes to vanilla…

In my opinion the charm the Vanilla dungeons have is it’s own special thing, I think I’d prefer them to remain just the way they are.

The charm of (sic) BRD is that, there was once I time where I could actually devote 4-5 hours to a video game in one sitting. And if something about that run fell apart in the 4th hour, the ENTIRE THING was a waste of time… and it didn’t really matter so much.

I don’t have that kind of free time anymore-- nor would I want to spend it that way.

You will NEVER convince me that running a single dungeon that takes 1 hour … is in any way better than running 3 “wings” of that dungeon, where each wing takes 20mins.

The “mega dungeon” concept is a loser. Every time Blizz does it, a handful of people bother with it, while EVERRRRRYYYONE ELSE just waits for it to be released in two parts.

Just stop. If you want to run a “mega dungeon”, then keep the group together and … walk in the other door that connects to the second half. Is that so hard??

We know what WoW’s demo is … and WE DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS CRAP.

Anything more than 20-30mins needs to be a CHOICE, not a requirement.

We got Uldaman now which is a Vanilla dungeon.

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People that wishing this just want to ruin the whole game . And what would happen to the dungeons when a person wishes to enter them for transmogs and whine up in a mythic +. Don’t say it wouldn’t happen it did to me.

I can’t help but hard agree on the time factor.

Couple of my friends have kiddies now and basically M+ for the most part is a blessing because it gives a bit of intensity but is also not a long many hour activity.

At the same time i’ll counter my own statement here and i know for a fact my friends dad who’s in his 50’s spends ages on achievements. Lucky bugger had a ‘WoW family’ kinda thing so spending hours together on the game became flipped to a bonding time activity for them. I’m definitely taking notes for when/if i start my own.