Vanilla in 2024. Worst itteration of wow ever?

probably the worst state ive ever seen wow in. give some sweaty nerds 5 yrs on a server and wow look at what happens. gdkp only raids, gold buying, boosting and sweaty naxx r14 geared bis everything losers gang banging you constantly. let me give u some solid advice if youre thinking of picking up era, dont.


… So join a guild that doesn’t do these things? Stuff like this is rampant in MMOs, World of Warcraft is no different.

Classic, Vanilla WoW is the absolute best RPG out there.


Ranking is easier than it ever was in Vanilla, and if you get farmed in the early ranks then who cares? They put their time in, let them farm me now, I will get revenge later.


The 1-60 game is totally playable

Endgame is miserable unfortunately. I actually raided on Era and it was fun, but that was back when the population was low, before the GDKP’s took over.


Very Rare on Whitemane.

Ultra common on SoD / CATA / Retail.

SoD, Cata and Retail are terrible, you’re just tilted about Era because you got reasons apparently.

Hell I would not be surprised if you’re just full of it and mad because players have gear now and you cant just stomp over em with a massive gear advantage that you require to win.



Keep rolling out those sock-puppets, lil bro.


get gud nerd, you mad cuz you bad


makes no sense. they had 5 years to gear and level and farm their own gold.

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I promise you no one has spent 5 years farming gold on Era.

There was a solid 2 years where gold was worthless. If you wanted anything from another player, you had to barter in Dreamfoil.

Then SoM ended, the GDKPers came back, bought a ton of gold to get going, and it’s been GDKP city ever since.

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Yea I remember that. It was roughly 10 Dreamfoil per Black Lotus.

Everything you said was true from Gold token introduced in Wrath around March of 23, and bumped by SOM worms who transferred over, but died late Nov 2023.

Almost all the gold buyers went to SoD, it was maybe 3 weeks into SoD when the botters got banned and they haven’t returned since.

While I’m certain gold buying does exist, its very small time and GDKP punish the gold buyers because it pollutes the gold pool voiding months of stockpiling gold for purchases in the GDKP raids.

Overall the community is extremely casual, mostly leveling, doing raids casually without logs, and BG’s / WPvP, this is the least sweaty I have ever seen wow, this is less sweaty than OG Vanilla.


Why you so mad for

Classic is a blast and the purest form of WoW

Been having a ton of fun and meeting cool people along the way

Get gud nerd


Even if this is true (it’s definitely not, everything is dirt cheap in SoD) it doesn’t even matter. Gold buyers can’t buy raid gear in SoD via GDKP. All they can really do is buy consumables… which are significantly cheaper than Era, because less gold buyers.

Okay dude, you’re delusional. GDKP’s literally encourage gold buying for bigger payouts.


Too easy now. Its not even fun. You can now get R14 with less than 10% of the PvP done you had to do the first time around to get it.

Gotta love this non-response. Guy doesn’t like what a game has become because x and y are trends… gets told to join a guild that doesn’t do that. That’s not an answer.

This game is no longer an rpg but a min-maxxed clownfest with bought gold being used for buying items. A p2w mess and toxic wasteland of players who are elitist and/or excluding of others who don’t have 10k gold to spend.

We need vanilla fresh sans gdkp. Sod is a mess of a design and beta test with temporary characters, otherwise that would be more populated. Cata is too much like retail. Retail is a better version of cata basically.


He said the thing!

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Yeah so, get over that part - this IS an answer.

What’s stopping them from joining the guild seeking Discord with over 25,000 members? They’ll find a guild within a week.

Classic only works as a living evolution up to Naxx. Once end game fully settles in, this always happens. Classic works when there’s a struggle and everyone is on evenish footing. Once the disparity sets in, the game loses its fun.


Mankrik Horde.

We have zero GDKP raids and there is no ganking.

Problem solved.


Fries with your salt?