Vanilla Classic - Where to go?

I was wondering if there was a particular server I should make my character on so I can run into plenty of people, I’d hate to be running around a dead world or worse- one filled with Horde that look at me like the last crumb of a toaster strudel.
Any suggestions for either Season of Mastery or Classic-Era servers?
Was gonna make a human priest so I could try out healing for once.

Also, if I had to ask this with my traditional roleplayer’s flair:
Where shall I make my place of worship?

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It is commonly claimed that the Pagle and Mankirk cluster is properly populated. The Atiesh Old Blanchy is not. No idea about the season of mastery servers.

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This thread has information on the Classic Era realm clusters:

The tl;dr would be that the NA PvE East cluster containing Mankrik and the NA PvP West cluster containing Whitemane would have the largest populations since they are the ones set up to receive free transfers.

There are smaller communities outside of these two clusters and all of the NA Classic Era clusters share the same battlegroup for BGs so I would encourage you to roll a lv 1 on any prospective realm and try chatting with the locals to find the place that’s right for you.

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Mankrik PVE cluster has a decent population for leveling.

Whitemane PVP cluster is smaller, and there are really no opportunities for PVP while leveling in the world on in <60 BGs.

Hopefully when SoM ends, more people will come back to Classic Era and help fill the Whitemane PVP cluster.

Classic Era Server Realm Grobbulus RPPvP Alliance

Have a Blast on the nostalgic Classic Era. As some of you may know our guild is the main active guild on this server with about 50 active raiders on the Alliance. I wanted to reach out to the community and recruit anyone interested in joining the fun.

We are a casual raid and need 5-10 more active raiders to progress content in AhnQiraj40 and Naaxramas.

We are currently Raiding Monday/Friday 7:00 PM - 10:00PM PST

Molten Core 10/10 2.5hr~

BlackWing Lair 8/8 2.5hr~

After Raids and Weekends and other random times

Onyxia/Azuregos/Lord Kazak/Lethon/Ysondre


We have around 50 actives player making our server and guild very tight knit. Everyone is very nice and will help with leveling, bags, mounts, professions, guidance, and a good time!

Choose whatever class you want and most importantly enjoy your time. So many fun and original character names to choose from

Recruiting PriorityHealers Druid/Priest/Paladin

Tanks Warrior/Druid/Paladin

DPS Mage/Rouge/Warlock/Hunters/Warrior/Druid/Paladins

We hope you find your way into our realm