Vampire Clan on Faerlina

Vampire Clan on the Faerlina server has been griefing almost every guild on the world boss part of the scepter quest. I am sure they have been reported but no action has been taken against them. Please act according to the recent post regarding world boss griefing.

yea why would you play on fearlina. Asmongold fan ?

The only thign i could see would be that i could duel people like venruki but after watching the duel tournament i realize that some of the mage on my server are of the same quality.

Its too bad you went on streamer server.

Keep reporting them. Blizzard will suspend these players.


PvP on a PvP server


griefing world bosses is not pvp, as the recent blizzard post clarified. in this case its alliance griefing other alliance, which is bannable, but none have been banned

Pay them off.

In game solution to in game problem

Sandbox mmo.



Give it time. The more reports an individual receieves, the higher on the priority list it becomes.

There’s absolutely no point in bringing up the fact that it’s a streamer server since this problem is happening on many other servers as well. Vampire clan isnt even a streamer guild.


imagine playing on a megaserver that is far away from the classic experience

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Just another fan boy of the current toxic environment attempting to dismiss, deflect, and deny that there is an actual problem.

I’m surprised he didn’t come back with the token “PVP on a PVP server” remark.

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Its hardly just VC. Staysafe and Power are trash. VC is trash. Dogz is trash. Blizz wont do anything so it just kind of is what it is at this point


the point here is collusion is not tos, but griefing where there is no in game solution, like running level 1s of the same faction into a world boss to die, is against tos. power has not been griefing world bosses, vampire clan has.

OMG i just realize how lucky i am that none of those guys transfered to my server omg

ty incendius , very cool

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Power griefed everyone in Silithus. If they haven’t been griefing world bosses it’s only because they havent needed to… yet. They were well known to grief world bosses previously.

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Dont get me wrong, I’m not naive. Obviously the mount was always going to go to the biggest players on the server first…

But, when the biggest players are already colluding with the horde to hold the war effort… for them to also collude with the horde to keep anyone BUT the biggest guilds from hitting scarab lord. For them to deliberately attack smaller guilds looking to just hit one mount per guild and actively keep them from hitting their carapaces… That is just deplorable and makes them the worst kind of people in classic


Edit: not worth it. All over mounts and buffs? Lol…

I hardly thought there is a mage on ur server that could beat Venruki.

https:// imgur. com /a/o7bJXkj
heres your proof
20 level 1 warriors in duskwood right now on faerlina

That’s a bunch of sweaty losers from the war effort discord trying to collect materials. Led by the GM of VC the sweatiest dork of them all.