I agree. In real life most people collect things because they like them, not because they are no longer available.
Sometime back in a thread on this topic there was a player complaining that when she was “brandishing” a certain unavailable item, new players who inquired about it did not give her the respect she deserved for having an unobtainable.
She actually used the word “brandishing”, which is literally to display a weapon with the threat that there is a possibility you may use it. She used that item as a weapon against envious players and was upset that they didn’t take it well.
I have sparkle kitty. I use it. When someone comments on it I tell them I’m sorry but it’s no longer available and suggest firecat. I feel bad that there are so few outstanding cat forms in the game. I don’t like to make other players feel bad. And I certainly wouldn’t tell some disappointed player that it’s their own fault they haven’t been playing the game since 2004. That’s trash wanting to make other players feel bad.
First edition books
Original pieces of artwork
Old baseball cards
Fabergé Eggs
Discontinued Barbies or American Girl dolls
Old coins
Out of print stamps
Antique classic cars
Ancient Chinese porcelan
And you know a major distinction in the things you just listed and the items in WoW?
Those items can change ownership, be sold, or be traded away, meaning they have value beyond just personal value unlike the collectables in WoW which only have value to the person possessing them and how they like the item as they are bound to only your account.
I said it could be changed in ownership/sold/traded, not that it must be sold for money. Player A could have something they got but don’t care about and Player B could like that thing and could get it as a gift/trade for it/offer to buy it if Player A was open to any of those things.
Yanno, things that cause interaction and make players happy by allowing them a path to get the goals they set for themselves instead of the grinds within grinds whithin grinds that bliz keeps shoving down our throats
We have a 14 day event, which assuming each of those 1000 players have 50 alts and do it every day, group one would need 5 days, group two needs about 2 years, half of that thousand need 4 years. Now at 75% we hit 7 years of play time, and stopping at 90% is 11 years. So ( and i know this is in a simulation not exact) his assumptions on attempts me 10% of that group 100 people in this case need 12+ years to see the mount drop.
And that is assuming you have 50 chars to run it and do it on all of them daily.
And you carry these around to try to make other people feel bad? And they laugh at you and blame them?
The idea that people who collect old baseball cards only do it because they are rare is nonsense. Any painting you did not have done on commission is not unique. Do you carry those paintings around with you and brag about how you got it done before the artist died, and it’s the fault of the people around you that they were born after he died, those lazy scum?
All of these things are still available. ALL OF THEM. If you waste your life collecting things you don’t even like because they are rare, you have wasted your life.
If you think that hoarding what is essentially unobtainable NFT’s in a videogame makes you a better human being that people who addicted to NFT’s like you are, I pity you.
The idea that allowing yourself to be manipulated by crass marketers makes you a better person is so laughable…
No. There is zero comparability between real life collectors and people who jealously hoard what is little more than NFT’s in a videogame and use their collection to make new players feel bad that they play the game.
Good work. Do you keep track of how many new players you have driven from the game with that toxicity and give yourself points for doing so?
And that in and of it’s self is absurd but also doesn’t take into account the truth of the probability.
Each roll is independent without adjustment, so each attempt is the same odds of getting the item, statistically, yes, there is a probability that eventually you will get it, but it’s not a sure fire thing/guarantee, only a likelihood through extensively repetitive and unenjoyable activities.
And this is the root issue here. Right now the only true value of collectables in WoW is what the individual assigns to them as there is no way to trade, there cannot be a true communal/societal value.
It’s like saying some one having blue hair makes them more valuable than a person with naturally colored hair, all other things between them being the same, as an employee when in actuality it’s just a personal value that they are assigning to themselves
Oh, the droprates of mop world bosses were them adding an extra zero or messing up a decimal, it was just noticed too late and they decided to leave it in.
Yet people support unfun gameplay for the purpose of ‘muh exclusives’ because the only value they assign to the item is that other people don’t have it, not because they like/want/desire the item
fun is going to be different to everyone if you ask me.
plus i don’t think they want everyone to have mounts like Galleon, or Sha of Anger…it was never implied. They do like some mounts being super rare, and there’s nothing wrong with that. that’s part of why they added recolors i’m pretty sure.
Show me one person that enjoys the weekly mop world boss kill grind, or the love rocket grind, and would do those things if the reward was available in a dif manner if your going to say this type of design is fun
Why shouldn’t they want players to have things that support their enjoyment of the game, and why put it in the game if they didn’t want players to get it before burning out and leaving/no longer being paying consumers of the product? Just because every one may have a thing doesn’t mean every one will use the thing out of their available options. The value of a digital good that can be infinitely produced or made available is the value the individual assigns to it, and shouldn’t not be arbitrarily designed by a company because they buy into the skinner box addiction exploitation psychology.
honestly, collections are an end-game activity…some of them are going to be tedius and difficullt to obtain - like other areas of the game (PvP achievements, raiding achievements, etc.). So it’s just part of the adventure - some of them feel good some of them do not.
So like i said, fun, is impossible to define for any one person…i enjoy my weekly F2L2 runs for example, and i’m going to miss doing them when i get my last mount out of there…even though i could opt to feel frustrated that it’s taken me so long…if that makes sense.
I think you’re just upset you aren’t getting what you want.
I see it from a completely different POV than you honestly. I think rare mounts like the MOP boss mounts are healthy for the game, and for players of all skill levels/experience. A new player, or non-collector could randomly get one of those mounts on their very first try (go look at WoWhead comments, it happens frequently).
That gives everyone accessibility to obtaining “cool/valuable” things without it relying completely on your skill level, how long you’ve played, or anything like that.
(and there’s very few mounts that exist that are on that rarity btw)
What’s not fun and not enjoyable are the required grinds the game has put in place in an attempt to keep players logging in for long hours of the day. Back when I was a PvP only player between Cata - WoD the only thing I was honestly required to do to have a chance fighting other players was to acquire the Honor and Conquest set and that was it. Afterwards I would log on every day to Queue BGs and Arenas with friends and at that point there was no in-game system I was required to partake in in order to feel like I was competitive with the rest of the crowd. And I know the PvE crowd had something similar because there’s this popular notion about people getting their gear from the new Raid and then logging off forever.
Blizzard ALMOST figured it out in Legion when they introduced actual new content that encouraged players to participate in content that was actually pretty fun at the time. Mage Tower being the best example of that. The AP grind was new at the time so it was a lot more tolerable, but it’s also why I say they almost figured it out because they doubled down on the grinds in both BFA and SL.
This notion that the game is not fun and enjoyable has little to nothing to do with exclusives. It’s the fact that the current content of the game is not fun. Anyone getting seriously upset about not being able to acquire less than what…1-5% of the cosmetics in the game really needs to take a step back imo.
No one here has said this is the ONLY thing wrong with the game. This is just Another Thing Wrong that should be fixed as it ties into alot of peoples enjoyment of the game from collectors, to rpers, to people who like to just have cosmetic options to feel good
There are a PLETHORA of cosmetic options in the game already. You have 8 expansions and the base game to pull from. If people can’t find a mog that they want within that then I don’t know what to tell you.