Before the nerf this was the most appealing feature for me in TWW. I have this terrible disease called Spinocerebellar Ataxia.
It can make the game very challenging to play for me. The wax farm feature was the most handicap accessible feature of TWW. I could buy AH gear & spend time farming wax in dirt piles & gear up to do world content, like I did with Tesha. I was hoping to do the same with alts I want to level/leveled.
I know you guys have been doing a great job with handicap access. The dragon racing features are huge for me. Before the addition I got the Isles Racer achievement. That was extremely difficult because of the motion effects. WIth the SCA I have difficulty with spatial awareness & motion. Getting that achievement before the hindicap changes really disorientated me & a couple of times made me throwup. But I powered through it. With the changes it no longer does that. So thank you, than you, thank you for that.
I just found about this nerf today & to be honest, it makes me very sad. I’ve been extra sick lately so have been able to do only easier stuff, pet battles, old content, etc. Skipped the first week of Season One due to it. I have what I call wobble around days, one stick (cane) days & two stick days. Been two stick days lately. Thus, if you would like to make your game more handicap accessible for peope like me, please revert this nerf. Thanks.
when doing all the activities the valorstones stay capped mostly all the time because it’s crests that are the limitation. by the time they unlock more crests your valorstones are capped again.
i dont see why they dont keep the 10VS for wax to help cases like you… doesnt change anything for the others since theyre capped all the time anyways.
I’m just pointing out the obvious. 125 Valorstones a week limit from wax farming is a HUGE nerf. It slows down upgrading characters/alts to do world content immensely. Especially for people like me.
It was the main thing that made me excited about playing TWW besides Warbands. I could finally have an alt army I wanted. Now not so much.
I’m not going to be pushing Delves. I’m not going to be doing Mythics. I’m not going to be Raiding. That leaves primarily world content. Which fortunately I enjoy. Maybe some Heroics if I out gear the content so my dps is acceptable.
I understand these are my limits & I can have fun & enjoy the game within my limits.
I just do not want it to take months to gear up my alts. The way I geared Tesha was fun & made me excited about TWW. What took a couple of weeks will now take months. Not fun, not exciting.
Also. I’m glad I’m not offended by your lack of empathy. Your lack of empathy for others is really not uncommon. I found that out after I got sick, so I’m used to it.
I don’t understand why they did this change. It was just ten valor stones and you need to dig up at least ten piles. You got more valor stones for less time spent doing the dance weekly.
they want players to get valorstones from multiple locations. just farming them from wax like the OP was probably never intended.
I think maybe someone with power @ blizzard thinks the early access sweatys are the primary source of income & allow early easy gearing content like wax farming for them.
Pre-season one gearing, 580 gear is a good starting point for Mythics, Raids, & higher lvl Delves. Now that Season 1 is on the sweatys don’t need it.
That leaves the majority, the poors. I think they think they’ll keep the poors playing longer if what took a week now takes months. But that is not the case. Discouragement will make then say F it & unsubscribe.
so this isnt about your handicap, its about keeping up with the Jones’
Who is keeping up with the Jones’ in 580 gear? When 600plus is the now normal?
What is your goal, gear wise, if all you’re going to do is dig up some dirt and do world quests? Genuinely asking.
Not that I advocate them nerfing things or changing how people have fun, but for me that currency is raining from the sky just from playing the game.
To feel a little strong doing current world content. Right now 580 seems to be a good spot.
Well I know you said you weren’t going to be doing delves but I think you should give them a shot and take your time with them. Have you been doing the echoes out in the open world at all?
I don’t think they are open for me yet. I think I need to do more quests to open them up. My symptoms have been really flared so I’m falling behind on getting things done. Why the nerf is so discouraging.
I did a lvl 1 one yesterday on my Warrior. I managed a lvl 4 a couple weeks ago on this toon. I’ll keep trying & when my symptoms settle down I hope to give them a better go.
there is a dance weekly that gives valor stones?
Ouch, I thought I could still abuse this.

I have this terrible disease called Spinocerebellar Ataxia.
I dont think it’s a good idea to throw such drama. I understand your situation. I am sorry to hear your issue.
But waxes can be abused like how I abused it so far. I was short of 100 Valorstones… I just go to Hammerfall 's Spreading the Life Event. It was raining treasures there for waxes. Easy Valorstones…
Question: How is being honest about my situation “throw such drama”?
Am I supposed to be silent about my reality? Because my post is not about drama, but the truth of my situation. Nothing more.
Here’s the reality: the wow endgame doesn’t revolve around disability accessibility. The dungeons and wax were giving too much valorstones, that no one would be doing M+ after crests got capped for the week. The intended design is to go into challenging content to get valorstones/crests/etc to farm. ITs always been this way. Raid bosses and M+ mainly. Also casuals in reality don’t need valorstones. Why are they needing it now? To do pet battles and super easy wqs or solo some rare that others will join in and melt boss?

Question: How is being honest about my situation “throw such drama”?
You have to be understanding. There are million players aside from you. You cant dictate the game to adjust for you.
If you play basketball as handicapped, do you want the rules to fit for you? Would we adjust and soften the rules? Sorry nope. WoW would continue regardless.
the response at that point should have been to nerf how many of those dirt piles spawn in that farmland instead of nerfing how many valorstones you get. I ahve used that farm for wax a ton myself. mostly to get some profession mats though, not really caring about the valor that came with it.

If you play basketball as handicapped, do you want the rules to fit for you?
Wheelchair basketball says hi. I get your point though.

Here’s the reality: the wow endgame doesn’t revolve around disability accessibility.
And no one is asking for it too. Why I said:[quote=“Tesha-cenarion-circle, post:4, topic:1963418”]
I’m not going to be pushing Delves. I’m not going to be doing Mythics. I’m not going to be Raiding.
Which means I’m not going to be doing “endgame content”. I know & understand that.
What I find ironic is they guy in 600 plus gear telling the girl in 580 gear I don’t need a path for upgrades to 580. Which is basically you saying “Sit down, shut up, pay your subscription fees to subsidize the game so I can do the cool stuff you can not”.